Tag: ideologies/concepts/views of marketing management

Questions Related to ideologies/concepts/views of marketing management

under network marketing the product reaches the customers from the __________.

  1. manufacturers

  2. distributors

  3. manufacturers via distributors

  4. agent

Correct Option: C

The amount of quality output for amount of input means ____________.

  1. productivity

  2. decrease in profit

  3. sales increase

  4. increase In profits

Correct Option: A

______ involves application of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the production process.

  1. Purchases Management

  2. Human Resource Management

  3. Corporate Management

  4. Production Management

Correct Option: D

The area of actual or potential commercial value in which a company intends to operate is a ___________.

  1. market space

  2. market place

  3. perfect market

  4. Bertrand market

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not an assumption in Miller and Modigliani approach?

  1. There are no corporate or personal income tax

  2. Investors are assumed to be rational and behave accordingly

  3. There is no corporate tax though there are personal income tax

  4. Capital markets are perfect

Correct Option: D

Markets which deal with buying and selling of bonds, mortgages, notes and stocks are considered as ____________________.

  1. financial instruments

  2. financial asset markets

  3. physical asset markets

  4. easy markets

Correct Option: C

The main purpose of market segmentation is?

  1. To measure the changing behavioral pattern of consumers

  2. To select the proper channel of distribution

  3. To have individuality of its own

  4. To identify the level of demand

Correct Option: A

Benefits of segmentation.
I. This saves resources
II. Consumers are satisfied
III. Concentrated marketing strategy
IV. Easy to introduce new products
Which of the above points are correct?

  1. I and II are correct

  2. I, II and IV are correct

  3. I, II and III are correct

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D