Tag: ideologies/concepts/views of marketing management

Questions Related to ideologies/concepts/views of marketing management

Criteria for successful market segmentation.
I. Substantiality
II. Measurability
III. Accessibility
IV. Representability.
Of these.

  1. I and II are correct

  2. II, III and IV are correct

  3. I, II and III are correct

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D

Under __________ buyers may be divided on the basis of the quantity purchased.

  1. Volume segmentation

  2. Life style segmentation

  3. Product segmentation

  4. Benefit segmentation

Correct Option: A

If the sample size increases, the sampling error __________.

  1. decreases

  2. increases

  3. remains constant

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

The relationship between margin of error and sample size is inverse i.e when sample size increases, the sampling error decreases. This is because the more information you have, the more accurate the results would be. 

What is probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true called?

  1. Type II error

  2. Type I error

  3. Standard error

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

_________ offers the opportunity to produce goods as per customer and specific need.

  1. Job method

  2. Batch method

  3. Flow method

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Main factor for spending on R and D are ________.

  1. for survival in the market

  2. for change in environment

  3. for change in government policies

  4. change in company's image

Correct Option: A

Early identification of opportunities helps an enterprise to be the first to exploit them instead of losing it to competitors. The mentioned advantage can be categorized under ______.

  1. first mover advantage

  2. initial identifier advantage

  3. earlier advantage

  4. second mover advantage

Correct Option: A

Assignment of competitive rivalry does not include an understanding of  __________.

  1. the extent to which competitors are in balance

  2. market growth rates

  3. fixed costs, exit barriers and operational efficiency

  4. the management structure of an organisation

Correct Option: D