Tag: digestion and absorption

Questions Related to digestion and absorption

Disaccharide which gives two molecules of glucose is ____________.

  1. Lactose

  2. Sucrose

  3. Maltose

  4. Galactose

Correct Option: C
Maltose is composed of two molecules of glucose.
So, the correct answer is 'Maltose'

Gastric juice is

  1. Acidic

  2. Alkaline

  3. Neutral

  4. Slightly alkaline

Correct Option: A

Pancreatic juice and bile are poured through

  1. A common area into duodenum

  2. Two distinct ducts into duodenum

  3. A common duct into ileum

  4. Two distinct ducts into ileum

Correct Option: A

Chymotrypsin is a component of

  1. Bile

  2. Pancreatic juice

  3. Succus entericus

  4. Gastric juice

Correct Option: B

A digestive enzyme functional only in infants is

  1. Lactase

  2. Gastric lipase

  3. Intestinal lipase

  4. Chymotrypsin

Correct Option: B

Succus entericus is

  1. Swollen area between ileum and rectum

  2. Intestinal juice

  3. Any swelling in gut

  4. Vermiform appendix

Correct Option: B

Cells of pancreas secreting pancreatic juice are.

  1. Acinar cells

  2. Goblet cells

  3. Peptic cells

  4. Oxyntic cells

Correct Option: A

Most of the fat digestion occurs in

  1. Rectum

  2. Stomach

  3. Duodenum

  4. Small intestine

Correct Option: D

Digestion of fat begins in duodenum with the help of pancreatic lipase but cannot be completed there because of its small size. Further it is component of small intestine. In infants some digestion occurs in stomach.

Lymphoid structures present in small intestine along ileum is

  1. Spleen

  2. Peyers patches

  3. Tonsils

  4. Lymph nodes

Correct Option: B

A complete digestive juice is

  1. Bile

  2. Pancreatic juice

  3. Succus entericus

  4. Gastric juice

Correct Option: A