Tag: digestion and absorption

Questions Related to digestion and absorption

Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, red meat and eggs for a long period may lead to

  1. Vitamin A toxicity

  2. Kidney stones

  3. Hypercholesterolemia

  4. Urine laden with ketone bodies

Correct Option: C

Continued consumption of fat rich diet causes hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol raises your risk for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. 

Kidney stones are solid mass made up of tiny crystals. There are different types of kidney stones. The exact cause depends on the type of stone like, calcium stones, uric acid stone etc. 
Vitamin A toxicity or hypervitaminosis A is having too much of vitamin A in the body. 
Ketonuria is condition in which ketone bodies are present in urine. Body produces excess ketone bodies as an alternate source of energy during starvation or diabetes mellitus (type 1).
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Which of the following is an intestinal disorder?

  1. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

  2. Cystic fibrosis

  3. Peptic ulcers

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

A) Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are most accurately found in the stomach or intestine but can be found in any part of the digestive tract and can be malignant or benign.

B) Cystic fibrosis is the genetic disorder that affects mucus, sweat and digestive glands majorly affect the lungs and digestive tract especially stomach and small intestine.
C) The peptic ulcer is the sores on the lining of the duodenum of the intestine and known as a duodenal ulcer.
So, the correct option is 'All of the above'

Digestion of food
Which one of the following is the coned matching of the site of action on the given substrate, the enzyme acting upon it and the end product ?

  1. Small intestine : Proteins $\overset{Pepsin}{\rightarrow}$ Amino acids

  2. Stomach : Fats $\overset{Lipase}{\rightarrow}$ Micelles

  3. Duodenum : Triglycerides $\overset{Trypsin}{\rightarrow}$ Monoglycerides

  4. Small intestine.: Starch $\overset{\alpha - amylase}{\rightarrow}$ Disaccharide (maltose)

Correct Option: D

Isomaltase catalyzes the hydrolysis of bonds as shown in

  1. glc(1-6)glc

  2. glc(1-4)glc

  3. gal(1-6)glc

  4. fru(1-6)glc

Correct Option: A

Isomaltase is an enzyme that breaks the bonds linking saccharides, which cannot be broken by amylase or maltase. It digests polysaccharides at the alpha 1-6 linkages

So, the correct option is 'glc(1-6)glc'

Which of the following is a group of end products of carbohydrate digestion?

  1. Glucose, galactose, maltose

  2. Sucrose, galactose, maltose

  3. Galactose, glucose, fructose

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The end product of carbohydrate digestion is mainly glucose together with some fructose and galactose (monosaccharide). 

Chylomicrons are __________________.

  1. Fat droplets coated with phospholipids

  2. Fat droplets coated with cholesterol and protein

  3. Undigested proteins

  4. Undigested carbohydrates

Correct Option: B

  • Fatty acids and glycerol being insoluble, cannot be absorbed into the blood. So, they are first incorporated into small droplets called micelles which move into the intestinal mucosa. 
  • They are then re-formed into very small protein coated fat globules called the chylomicrons which are transported into the lymph vessels (lacteals) in the villi. These lymph vessels ultimately release the absorbed substances into the bloodstream. Hence, chylomicrons are fat droplets coated with cholesterol and proteins.
So, the correct answer is 'fat droplets coated with cholesterol and proteins'.

Fat is completely digested in the

  1. Stomach

  2. Mouth

  3. Small intestine

  4. Large intestine

Correct Option: C
  • Digestion of some fats can begin in the mouth where lingual lipase breaks down some short chain lipids into diglycerides. However, fats are completely digested in the small intestine.
  • Fat is completely digested in the small intestine because it gets bile from the liver through gallbladder which is responsible for fat digestion.
  • Hence Fat is completely digested in the Small intestine.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Small intestine'.

Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed to disaccharide by amylase of 

  1. Pancreatic juice

  2. Gastric juice

  3. Brunners gland

  4. Crypts of Lieberkuhn

Correct Option: A

The chyme produced by digestion in the stomach is passed on to the small intestine for further digestion and absorption where the enzyme pancreatic amylase of the pancreatic juice converts the carbohydrates present in the chyme into disaccharides and monosaccharides. 

So, the correct answer is 'Pancreatic juice'.

(A) Teeth and tongue with help of saliva masticate and mixed up the food thoroughly.
(B) Mucus in saliva helps in lubricating and adhering the masticated food particles into chyme
(C) Mucus and bicarbonate present in gastric juice plays an important role in lubrication and protection from excoriation by highly concentrated $HCL$
(D) The function of bile is emulsification of fat and activation of lipase
How many sentences given above are true?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: D

  • During the mastication process, the food is positioned by the cheek and tongue between the teeth for grinding. As chewing continues, the food is made softer and warmer, and the enzymes in saliva begin to break down carbohydrates in the food. After chewing, the food (now called a bolus) is swallowed.
  •  The salivary glands produce two different types of secretions: thin, watery saliva and thick mucus. This mucus is an excellent lubricant and makes swallowing food easier.
  • Secretion of bicarbonate into the adherent layer of mucus gel creates a pH gradient with a near-neutral pH at the epithelial surfaces in stomach and duodenum, providing the first line of mucosal protection against luminal acid.
  • Bile contains bile acids, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. The function of bile is to bring ingested fats into the emulsion to facilitate the work of the lipases.

So, the correct answer is 'Four'.

Stomach is the site digestion mainly of ______________.

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Fats

  3. Proteins

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

The stomach is the site for the digestion of Protein. Pepsin present in duodenum breaks down the food proteins into polypeptides which are then broken down by various exopeptidases and dipeptidases into amino acids.

So, the correct answer is 'Proteins'.