Tag: green-belt

Questions Related to green-belt

  1. The control certainly detects potential failure cause

  2. There are high chances that the control will detect the potential failure cause

  3. There is moderate chance of control detecting the potential failure cause

  4. There is no control or the control can not detect the potential failure cause

Correct Option: D
  1. Product

  2. Process

  3. Program

  4. Procedure

Correct Option: B
  1. Our Customers and their Requirements for our products and services

  2. Our Customers and their solutions for our products and services

  3. The causes for our customers' pain

  4. Our Customers VOC and the solution they would like us to implement

Correct Option: A
  1. The risk has to be mitigated immediately

  2. The risk has low impact

  3. Risk is beyond human control

  4. RPN does not have any relation to risk

Correct Option: B
  1. The process undergoes unexpected variation

  2. The process is running at highest performance level

  3. The process is being measured

  4. The measurement follows the Process output

Correct Option: C
  1. A method of identifying potential defects

  2. A technique for eliminating errors by making it impossible to make mistakes in the process

  3. A means of responding to defects before they leave the facility

  4. Part of Statistical Process Control

Correct Option: B
  1. The True variation

  2. The summation of true variation & bias

  3. The difference between true variation & bias

  4. The bias

Correct Option: B