Tag: immunity and blood groups

Questions Related to immunity and blood groups

Who among the following is recognised as the father of immunology?

  1. Edward Jenner

  2. Louis Pasteur

  3. Robert Koch

  4. Ferdinand Kohn

Correct Option: A

Edward Jenner is known as father of immunology due to his discovery of famous small pox vaccine which was also the first successful vaccine to be developed and helped in the eradication of disease completely. 

Louis Pasteur is considered as progenitor of modern immunology due to his studies on germ theory of disease. 
Robert Koch is the founder of modern bacteriology and played important role in identifying the causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera and anthrax.
Ferdinand Kohn is the founder of modern bacteriology and microbiology.
Thus, the correct answer is option A. 

Which of the following statements about antibody molecules is not true?

  1. All are proteins

  2. All are immunoglobulins

  3. All have light and heavy chains

  4. All are produced by T-cells

Correct Option: D

Antibodies are immune system-related proteins called immunoglobulins. Each antibody consists of four polypeptides– two heavy chains and two light chains joined to form a "Y" shaped molecule. Antibodies are produced by specialized white blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells). When an antigen binds to the B-cell surface, it stimulates the B cell to divide and mature into a group of identical cells called a clone.

So, the correct option is 'Option D'.

Cells involved in immune mechanism are

  1. Erythrocytes

  2. Lymphocytes

  3. Eosinophils

  4. Thrombocytes

Correct Option: B

A lymphocyte is one of the subtypes of white blood cell in a vertebrate's immune system. Lymphocytes include natural killer cells (which function in cell-mediated, cytotoxic innate immunity), T cells (for cell-mediated, cytotoxic adaptive immunity), and B cells (for humoral, antibody-driven adaptive immunity). They are the main type of cell found in lymph. Lymphocytes are involved in the activation of the immune system.

So, the correct answer is 'Lymphocytes'.

The term humor in humoral immunity implies 

  1. Hormones

  2. Bone marrow

  3. Plasma and lymph

  4. Cerebrospinal fluid

Correct Option: C

Humoral immunity is the aspect of immunity that is mediated by macromolecules found in extracellular fluids such as secreted antibodies, complement proteins, and certain antimicrobial peptides. Humoral immunity is so named because it involves substances found in the humour (plasma or lymph) or body fluids. It involves antibody, so, it is often referred to as antibody-mediated immunity.

So, the correct answer is 'Plasma and lymph'.

The letter T in T-lymphocytes refers to 

  1. Thyroid

  2. Thymus

  3. Thalamus

  4. Tonsil

Correct Option: B

A T cell, or T lymphocyte, is a type of lymphocyte (a subtype of white blood cell) that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity. T cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes such as B cells and natural killer cells by the presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface. T-cells are produced from the bone marrow. They are called T cells because they mature in the thymus from thymocytes.

So, the correct answer is 'Thymus'.

Mark the correct sequence of humoral immunity.
A) Immunocompetent B cell
B) The release of antibodies into humor
C) B cell progenitor
D) Plasma Cell
E) Functional B cell

  1. C A E B D

  2. C E A D B

  3. C A E D B

  4. A C E D B

Correct Option: C

Humoral immunity is the type of acquired immunity and it includes the action of antibodies. When system observe any antigen or foreign agent inside the body id activates the B-cell and fit converted into immunocompetent B-cells. Further, they get activated and form functional B cells, which are present on plasma cells and release the antibody formed.

So the correct option is "CAEDB".

Mark the correct sequence of cell mediated immunity.
A) Release of enzymes like perforins and granzymes
B) Destruction of infected cell
C) Antigen presenting cells process the exogenous antigens
D) Binding of T cells to APCs

  1. C D A B

  2. C A D B

  3. C D B A

  4. A B C D

Correct Option: A

It is a type of immunity that does not involve antibody but includes phagocytosis which provides protection against pathogens. Presence of pathogens activate T-lymphocytes and convert it into effector T-cells and bind to APCs and release the enzyme like perforins which helps in the destruction of the cell which is infected.

So the correct option is "C D A B".

The cells active in production of antibodies are

  1. Kupffer cells

  2. Plasma cells

  3. Mast cells

  4. Langerhans cells

Correct Option: B

Plasma cells of B-lymphocytes are derived from the memory B-lymphocytes and are involved in the production of antibodies actively in the blood.

A. Kupffer cells are phagocytic cells in the liver.
B. Plasma cells produce antibodies.
C. Mast cells secrete histamine in response to inflammation.
D. Langerhans cells are in the pancreas and they secrete hormones.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Plasma Cells'

Antibody producing plasma are derived from

  1. Memory T cells

  2. Supressor T cells

  3. Helper T cells

  4. B lymphocytes

Correct Option: D

The B-lymphocytes are the types of immune cells that are involved in the humoral immune response. It means these cells are responsible for making antibodies in the bloodstream and destroy the antigen that infects the blood and tissues via blood. T-cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity. They wipe out those pathogens that invade the tissues directly. B-cells can exist in two forms- Memory B-cells that are specified for a particular infection and Plasma B-cells that actively secrete antibodies. Plasma B-cells are derived from the memory B-cells whenever that specific antigen invades the blood second time.

Hence, the correct answer is 'B-lymphocytes'

Which of the following displays immunosuppressant?

  1. B-cells

  2. $\alpha$-cells

  3. T-cells

  4. Both (1) & (3)

Correct Option: D

The body's immune system is a normally occurring protective mechanism that helps the body defend itself against harmful agents. However, sometimes the immune system perceives normally harmless substances such as allergens or the person's own body tissues as harmful invaders and try to eliminate them. This inappropriate activation of the immune response is a major factor in allergic and auto-immune disorders.
Immunosuppressants are the drugs that suppress the immune to reduce the risk of rejection of foreign bodies with organ transplants or in auto-immune disorders.
B-cells are lymphocytes capable of producing antibodies and can capture circulating antigens. They are produced from stem cells in the bone marrow of adult mammals, liver of foetus and bursa of Fabricius in birds. The mature B-cells synthesize various types of antibodies which are displayed on their membrane surfaces, hence they are called immuno-competent B-cells. They are the cause of Humoral immunity.
T-cells are the lymphocytes that can recognize antigens if presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) by MHC molecules. They are the cause of cell-mediated immunity. Therefore, both B-cells and T-cells reveal the immunosuppressants on their surface and are part of the immune system.
Alpha cells are one of the types of cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the endocrine portion of the pancreas, which produces the hormone glucagon that is secreted in response to hypoglycemia.

  • So the correct option is 'Both 1 & 3'.