Tag: biotechnology

Questions Related to biotechnology

Interferon acts against

  1. Bacteria

  2. Fungus

  3. Virus

  4. Snake venom

Correct Option: C
  • When the immune system is activated due to the viral infection or other immune response the white blood cells in our body produces Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines). These interferons restrict the viral multiplication in the body.
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence interferon acts against virus.
  • So,the correct answer is 'Virus'.

Interferon suppresses the pathogenic activity of 

  1. Bacteria

  2. Viruses

  3. Protozoans

  4. Helminths

Correct Option: B
  • When the immune system is activated due to the viral infection or other immune response the white blood cells in our body produces Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines).
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence Interferon suppresses the pathogenic activity of Viruses.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Viruses'.

A cell coded protein formed in response to infection with most animal viruses is

  1. Antigen

  2. Antibody

  3. Interferon

  4. Histone

Correct Option: C
  • When the immune system is activated due to the viral infection or other immune response the white blood cells in our body produces Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines).
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence a cell coded protein formed in response to infection with most animal viruses is interferon.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Interferon'.

Match the following and find the correct option.

(a) Penicillin 1 Glycoprotein
(b) Interferon 2 Meat tenderizer
(c) Polyhedral Virus 3 Antibiotic
(d) Protease 4 Antiseptic
5 Biopesticide
  1. a - 2, b - 4, c - 1, d - 5

  2. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 5

  3. a - 3, b - 1, c - 5, d - 2

  4. a - 5, b - 2, c - 4, d - 1

Correct Option: C


Interferon -glycoprotein
Polyhedral Virus-biopesticide
Protease-meat tenderizer
Correct answer-C

Interferon suppresses the pathogenicity of 

  1. Bacteria

  2. Protozoa

  3. Viruses

  4. Helminths

Correct Option: C
  • When the immune system is activated due to the viral infection or other immune response the white blood cells in our body produces Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines). Interferons suppress the viral multiplication.
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence interferons suppresses the pathogenicity of viruses.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Viruses'.

.......... is an antiviral substance produced by animals in response to viral infection.

  1. Antigen

  2. Repressor protein

  3. Antivirin

  4. Interferon

Correct Option: D
  • When the immune system is activated due to the viral infection or other immune response the white blood cells in our body produces Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines).Interferons suppress the viral multiplication.
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence Interferon is an antiviral substance produced by animals in response to viral infection'.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Interferon'.

Identify the incorrect statement from the following

  1. B-cells produce antibody

  2. Interferons kill viruses

  3. Response of T-cells is called cell mediated immunity

  4. Macrophages are the phagocytic cells

Correct Option: B

Interferons are protein molecules produced from 

  1. Normal cell

  2. Infected host cells

  3. Macrophages

  4. B-lymphocytes

Correct Option: B
  • When the viral infection infected host cells in our body. The infected host cells produce Interferons (are a group of proteins called cytokines). Interferons suppress the viral multiplication.
  • The name of the interferons comes from their ability to interfere with the production of new virus particles. Interferons do not directly kill viral or cancerous cells; they boost the immune system response and reduce the growth of cancer cells by regulating the activity of several genes that control the secretion of numerous cellular proteins that affect growth.
  • Hence Interferons are protein molecules produced from  Infected host cell.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Infected host cell'
   I    II
 (a)  Interferons  (i)  Fab
 (b)  Paratop  (ii)  Inflammatory mediators
 (c)  Interleukins  (iii)  Antiviral blood cell
 (d)  Histamine  (iv)  Anticoagulant
     (v)  Antibiotic

Match and find correct option

  1. $a-iii,b-i,c-ii,d-iv$

  2. $a-iii,b-i,c-iv,d-ii$

  3. $a-iii,b-iv,c-v,d-ii$

  4. $a-iii,b-ii,c-iv,d-v$

Correct Option: B
  • Interferons are a group of signalling proteins made and released by host cells in response to the presence of several viruses. Generally, a virus-infected cell will release interferons causing nearby cells to make their anti-viral defences.
  • A paratope also called an antigen-binding site or Fab. It is a part of an antibody which recognizes and binds to an antigen. It is a small region of the antibody containing the antibody's heavy and light chains.
  • Interleukins (ILs) are a group of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells (leukocytes).
  • Histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound involved in local immune responses, as well as regulating physiological function in the gut and acting as a neurotransmitter for the brain, spinal cord, and uterus. Histamine is involved in the inflammatory response and has a central role as a mediator of itching.
  • So, the correct answer is 'a-iii,b-i,c-iv,d-ii'.

Which one of the following is a genetically engineered antiviral protein?

  1. Interferon

  2. Humulin

  3. Griseofulvin

  4. Fumagillin

Correct Option: A