Tag: leadership

Questions Related to leadership

This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders _________.

  1. managers maintain while leaders develop

  2. managers inspire while leaders control

  3. managers innovate while leaders administer

  4. managers originate while leaders imitate

Correct Option: A

Recognising and rewarding success form part of theprocess of motivating and inspiring.

  1. Leadership

  2. Management

  3. Negotiation

  4. Motivational

Correct Option: A

Soliciting input and discussing with a wide range of people falls under the domain of _______.

  1. leadership

  2. management

  3. negotiation

  4. motivation

Correct Option: A

Leadership is often associated more with _________.

  1. consistency

  2. planning

  3. paperwork

  4. change

Correct Option: D

Which of the following statements about Leaders versus Managers is false?

  1. Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not

  2. Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and controlling

  3. Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do theright things

  4. Leaders develop, managers maintain

Correct Option: C

Emotional Intelligence __________.

  1. is genetic

  2. can be learned

  3. cannot be improved

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

Which relationship is focused by Expectancy Theory? 

  1. Effort-performance relationship

  2. Performance-reward relationship

  3. Rewards-personal needs relationship

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Leadership theories that emphasise symbolism, emotional appeal, and extraordinary follower commitment, is termed as _____________.

  1. Neocharismatic Theories

  2. Contingency Theories

  3. Trait Theories

  4. Behavioural Theories

Correct Option: A

Theories that sought personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits that difference leaders from non-leaders, is known as ____________.

  1. Trait theories

  2. Behavioural theories

  3. Scandavian studies

  4. Contingency theories

Correct Option: A

____________ is the relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on a related task to attain goals devised by the leader and/or group.

  1. Manager

  2. Leadership

  3. Partnership

  4. Suppliers

Correct Option: B