Tag: leadership

Questions Related to leadership

The Blake and Mouton Leadership (or Managerial) Grid uses two key dimensions in relation to management style;concern for _____ and concern for_____.

  1. People, targets

  2. Production, co-operation

  3. People, production

  4. Production, teamwork

Correct Option: C

The managerial grid model (1964) is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton. ... The resulting leadership styles are as follows: The indifferent (previously called impoverished) style: evade and elude. In this style, managers have low concern for both people and production.

As per Blake and Jane Mouton (9, 9) grid style of leadership also known as________.

  1. Team management

  2. Country club management

  3. Autocratic-task oriented

  4. Impoverished management

Correct Option: A

Team management is the ability of an individual or an organization to administer and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. Team management involves teamwork, communication, objective setting and performance appraisals.

Certain closely related studies for analyzing leadership styles were made at _____ in the mid forties which identified two dimensions of leadership styles:' consideration' initiating structure.

  1. University of Michigan

  2. Ohio State University

  3. Oxford University

  4. London University

Correct Option: B

Leadership analysis with a description of your current leadership position and its duties. Understand what leadership skills are expected of you, which, according to "Inc.," is the first step in analyzing and assessing your leadership. Use others' feedback.

As per Blake and Jane Mouton (1, 9) grid style of leadership also known as _________________.

  1. Middle of the road management

  2. Autocratic-task oriented

  3. Team management

  4. County club management

Correct Option: D

Country Club Management High People/Low Results. The Country Club or "accommodating" style of manager is most concerned about her team members' needs and feelings. She assumes that, as long as they are happy and secure, they will work hard.

Under_____ of leadership, the leader uses his power very little giving subordinate's full freedom of action and independence for setting their goals and means of achieving them.This type of leaders depends heavily on subordinates.

  1. Free rein style

  2. Democratic style

  3. Laissez-faire

  4. (A) or (C)

Correct Option: D

1- Laissez-faire is an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government intervention such as regulation, privileges, tariffs, and subsidies. The phrase laissez-faire is part of a larger French phrase and translates to "let do", but in this context usually means "let go".

2-Free-rein Leadership StyleFree-rein leadership, also called Laissez-Faire, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Mangers set objectives and employees are free to do whatever is appropriate to accomplish those objectives.

According to psychologist Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process____________.

  1. unfreezing

  2. mediating

  3. changing

  4. refreezing

Correct Option: C

There are three basic styles of leadership decision-makingauthoritarian,democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leaders rule their groups, democratic leaders try to include everyone in the decision-making process, and laissez-faire leaders let the group function.

As per Blake and Jane Mouton (9, 1) grid style of leadership also known as__________.

  1. Autocratic-task oriented

  2. County club management

  3. Impoverished management

  4. Team management

Correct Option: A

Relationship oriented leadership.Taskoriented (or task-focused) leadership is a behavioural approach in which the leader focuses on the tasks that need to be performed in order to meet certain goals, or to achieve a certain performance standard.

Blake and Jane Mouton suggested that_____ grid style of leadership is most effective.

  1. (1,9)

  2. (9, 1)

  3. (5, 5)

  4. (9, 9)

Correct Option: D

Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid. Definition: RobertBlake and Jane Mouton have developed the Managerial Grid, also called as a leadership grid. According to them, the leadership styles can be identified on the basis of manager's concern for people and production.

As per Blake and Jane Mouton (5, 5) grid style of leadership also known as___________.

  1. County club management

  2. Middle of the road management

  3. Impoverished management

  4. Team management

Correct Option: B

Middle management is the intermediate management of a hierarchical organization that is subordinate to the executive management and responsible for at least two lower levels of junior staff.

As per Blake and Jane Mouton (1, 1) grid style of leadership also known as ________________.

  1. Autocratic-task oriented

  2. Country club management

  3. Impoverished management

  4. Team management

Correct Option: C

The Impoverished or "indifferent" manager is mostly ineffective. With a low regard for creating systems that get the job done, and with little interest in creating a satisfying or motivating team environment , his results are inevitably disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony.