Tag: petroleum and natural gas

Questions Related to petroleum and natural gas

Petroleum is mixture of:

  1. petrol

  2. petroleum gas

  3. diesel

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

Petroleum is a mixture of kerosene, home heating oil, petrol, petroleum gas, diesel fuel, and gasoline. Petroleum products are complex mixtures derived from crude oil and have similar chemical and physical properties.

What is a place where various fractions of petroleum are separated?
  1. Fineery

  2. Refinery

  3. Rifenery

  4. Refinyer

Correct Option: B

Refinery is a place where various fractions of petroleum are separated.

Petrol for aviation purposes must contain?

  1. Straight chain hydrocarbons

  2. Aromatic hydrocarbons

  3. Olefinic hydrocarbons

  4. Highly branched chain paraffins

Correct Option: D

The production of higher molecular weight branched chain paraffins having valuable antiknock properties and, therefore, suitable for use in aviation fuels is of considerable importance in the petroleum industry.

Which component, obtained from the refining of petroleum, is used as a solvent in petrochemicals.

  1. Tar

  2. Kerosene

  3. Naphthalene

  4. Petroleum coal

Correct Option: C

Naphthalene (an aromatic hydrocarbon) is obtained from the refining of petroleum. It is used as a solvent in petrochemicals. Naphthalene is non polar solvent and is used to dissolve non polar compounds.

Petroleum refineries remove chemical compounds that contain sulphur in order to:

  1. prevent pollution of the air by sulphur

  2. make pure, white petrol

  3. increase the mileage of petrol

  4. use the sulphur to make other compounds cheaply

Correct Option: A

Air is polluted by sulphur by converting into sulphur dioxide. So, petroleum refineries remove chemical compounds that contain sulphur.

Paraffin is a by-product of?

  1. Cottage industries involving bee-keeping

  2. Processing of agricultural wastes

  3. Petroleum refining

  4. Leather industry

Correct Option: C
Paraffin, a white or colourless, tasteless, odourless, water-insoluble, solid substance not easily acted upon by reagents, consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons chiefly of the alkane series, obtained from crude petroleum in Petroleum Refining.

Which of the following is obtained on fractional distillation of petroleum ?

  1. Paraffin wax

  2. Asphalt

  3. Petroleum gas

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Paraffin wax, Petroleum gas and Asphalt are the different constituents of petroleum which  vapourise at different temperature's in the fractional distillation of petroleum. 

Petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbons with ______ carbon atoms.

  1. 2 to 5

  2. 5 to 9

  3. 5 to 7

  4. 4 to 6

Correct Option: B
  • Petroleum is a very complex mixture of hydrocarbons-compounds that consist of carbon and hydrogen only. Small amounts of other organic compounds containing oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements are also present.
  • Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of different hydrocarbons; the most commonly found molecules are alkanes (paraffin), cycloalkanes (naphthenes), aromatic hydrocarbons, or more complicated chemicals like asphaltenes.
  • This mixture of hydrocarbons generally has 5 to 9 carbon atoms.
  • Hence option B is a correct answer.

Gasoline is a mixture of?

  1. $C _3 - C _5$ alkanes

  2. $C _{15} - H _{20}$ alkanes

  3. $C _{11} - C _{15}$ alkanes

  4. $C _7 - C _9 $ alkanes

Correct Option: D

Gasoline is a refined product of petroleum and is comprised mainly of hydrocarbons, ranging from those conatining 7 carbon atoms  to those containing 9 carbon atoms. 

The order of appearance of the following with rising temperature during the refining of crude oil is?

  1. Kerosene oil , gasoline, diesel

  2. Diesel, gasoline, kerosene oil

  3. Gasoline, diesel, kerosene oil

  4. Gasoline, kerosene oil, diesel

Correct Option: D

During refining of crude oil, different products are recovered according to the different boiling ranges. The order of boiling point of the given products is: Gasoline< kerosene< diesel. Therefore they are obtained in the sequence;Gasoline, kerosene ,diesel.