Tag: greek, roman and american civilisations

Questions Related to greek, roman and american civilisations

The principal-agent(s) for the spread of Buddhism over the silk roads was/were ______.

  1. The Buddha himself

  2. Merchants

  3. Indian monks

  4. Missionaries of the emperor Ashoka

Correct Option: B

During the fifth and sixth centuries C.E., Merchants played a large role in the spread of religion, in particular, Buddhism. Merchants found the moral and ethical teachings of Buddhism to be an appealing alternative to previous religions. As a result, Merchants supported Buddhist Monasteries along the Silk Roads and in return, the Buddhists gave the Merchants somewhere to stay as they travelled from city to city. As a result, Merchants spread Buddhism to foreign encounters as they travelled. 

Merchants also helped to establish diaspora within the communities they encountered and overtime their cultures became based on Buddhism. Because of this, these communities became centres of literacy and culture with well-organized marketplaces, lodging, and storage. The Silk Road transmission of Buddhism essentially ended around the 7th century with the rise of Islam in Central Asia.

In the second Punic War, Fabius confronted Hannibal and defeated him in the _________.

  1. Battle of Actium

  2. Battle of Carrhae

  3. Battle of Zama

  4. Battle of Heraclea

Correct Option: C

Jesus Christ lived during the reign of which Roman emperor? 

  1. Octavius

  2. Julius Caesar

  3. Augustus Caesar

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: D

The Julian calendar was introduced during the reign of which of the following kings of Rome?

  1. Augustus Caesar

  2. Julian Caesar

  3. Pompey

  4. Octavius

Correct Option: B

In which year, the Roman empire divided into two parts?

  1. 250 CE

  2. 350 CE

  3. 375 CE

  4. 395 CE

Correct Option: D

In Rome, the civil wars over social issues ended only to be replaced by civil wars between Generals. Which of the following pair is correctly matched?

  1. Marius and Cinna against Sulla

  2. Pompey against Julius Caesar

  3. Brutus and Cassius against Mark Antony and Octavian

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Cultural development that took place rapidly after Alexanders death 323 BCE is called ________.

  1. Egyptian civilization

  2. Hellenistic civilization

  3. Moroccan civilization

  4. Inca Civilization

Correct Option: B

The Parsees belong to which religious cult?

  1. Christianity

  2. Judaism

  3. Zoroastrianism

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Zoroastrian communities comprise two main groups of people which were those of South Asian Zoroastrian background known as Parsis, and those of Central Asian background. Zoroastrianism refers to the religion developed from the teachings of the Persian prophet Zarathushtra. In India, they are known as Parsis. 

About the 5th century B. C. the Indian satrapy was paying an annual tribute of 320 talent of gold to _________.

  1. China

  2. Persia

  3. Bactria

  4. Greece

Correct Option: B

What statement best explains the presence of Greek architectural styles throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean?

  1. Greek trading empires and the conquests of Alexander the Great spread Hellenic culture across these areas.

  2. The Romans adopted Hellenic culture and then spread it to all arts of the empire.

  3. The Persian conquest of the Greek city-states allowed for Greek culture to spread into its empire.

  4. The decline of pre-Classical civilizations made Greek culture the most attractive to people living in these regions.

Correct Option: A