Tag: greek, roman and american civilisations

Questions Related to greek, roman and american civilisations

The three wars fought between Romans and Carthage are called _____.

  1. Greco- Persian Wars

  2. Punic Wars

  3. Trojan Wars

  4. Roman- Persian Wars

Correct Option: B

Ptolemy built the best museum inĀ  _______________.

  1. Phoenicia

  2. Alexandria

  3. Palestine

  4. Egypt

Correct Option: B

The Romans were famous for fights between man-man and man-animal which took place in ________.

  1. Amphy theatres

  2. Stadiums

  3. Arenas

  4. Open areas

Correct Option: C

What statement best explains the changes in the Roman legions after about $200\ CE$?

  1. The legions stored using the traditional phallax formation that was developed by Greek warriors and instead began to fight with more open lines and swords instead of spears.

  2. The legions no longer protected the Roman frontier as they turned to looting the wealthy provinces of Italy and Greece.

  3. The legions became more dependent on foreign recruits, especially Germans, as fewer Romans volunteered for military service.

  4. The legions became more devoted to individual commanders and not to the Senate and not to the Senate and people of Rome.

Correct Option: C

In which of the following respects did the Romans not profoundly influenced Indian life and culture?

  1. Coinage

  2. Art

  3. Astronomy

  4. Fashions

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is not true of women in Rome?

  1. They had complete power over what happened in their homes.

  2. They had a strong influence on their families.

  3. Mother and wives of some Roman emperors held a lot of political power.

  4. The amount of freedom a women had depends on her husband's wealth.

Correct Option: A

In the eighth century CE, identify the city that became a trading center along the Silk Road.

  1. Venice

  2. Timbuktu

  3. Calicut

  4. Baghdad

Correct Option: D

Identify the major trade network between Asia and Europe.

  1. Trans-Saharan caravans

  2. The Silk Road

  3. Indian Ocean sea-lanes

  4. Mediterranean sea-lanes

Correct Option: B

Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?

  1. Constantine's mental illness

  2. Serious economic problems

  3. Moving the capital to Byzantium

  4. An Army rebellion

Correct Option: B

The Major Causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor
  • Decline in Morals
  • Political Corruption and the Praetorian Guard
  • Fast expansion of the Empire
  • Constant Wars and Heavy Military Spending
  • Barbarian Knowledge of Roman Military Tactics
  • Failing Economy
  • Unemployment of the Working Classes (The Plebs)
  • The 'Mob' and the cost of the 'Games'
  • Decline in Ethics and Values
  • Slave Labor
  • Natural Disasters
  • Christianity
  • Barbarian Invasion
  • The major causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire