Tag: greek civilisation

Questions Related to greek civilisation

Cultural development that took place rapidly after Alexanders death 323 BCE is called ________.

  1. Egyptian civilization

  2. Hellenistic civilization

  3. Moroccan civilization

  4. Inca Civilization

Correct Option: B

The Parsees belong to which religious cult?

  1. Christianity

  2. Judaism

  3. Zoroastrianism

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Zoroastrian communities comprise two main groups of people which were those of South Asian Zoroastrian background known as Parsis, and those of Central Asian background. Zoroastrianism refers to the religion developed from the teachings of the Persian prophet Zarathushtra. In India, they are known as Parsis. 

About the 5th century B. C. the Indian satrapy was paying an annual tribute of 320 talent of gold to _________.

  1. China

  2. Persia

  3. Bactria

  4. Greece

Correct Option: B

What statement best explains the presence of Greek architectural styles throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean?

  1. Greek trading empires and the conquests of Alexander the Great spread Hellenic culture across these areas.

  2. The Romans adopted Hellenic culture and then spread it to all arts of the empire.

  3. The Persian conquest of the Greek city-states allowed for Greek culture to spread into its empire.

  4. The decline of pre-Classical civilizations made Greek culture the most attractive to people living in these regions.

Correct Option: A

The forces of Alexander and Porus fought on the banks of river _________.

  1. Ravi

  2. Jhelum

  3. Sutlej

  4. Indus

Correct Option: B

The forces of Alexander and Porus fought on the banks of river Jhelum where Alexander defeated Porus but afterwards when asked how should he be treated, Porus replied: “Treat me, Alexander, the way a King treats another King". Impressed by his words, Alexander returned Porus his kingdom and made him his alley.

Egypt was controlled by whom in 300 A.C.?
  1. The Romans

  2. The Arabs

  3. The Greeks

  4. The Persians

  5. The Assyrians

Correct Option: C
Which one among the following is not a major characteristic of ancient empires?
  1. Military prowess

  2. Conquest over great distances

  3. Use of a single language

  4. Governing diverse people groups

  5. Ambitious, charismatic leaders

Correct Option: C

Alexander was the son of Philip II of ______.

  1. Sparta

  2. Athens

  3. Macedonia

  4. Carthage

Correct Option: C

During the second attack on Greece, the Persians avoided the  route and came by _.

  1. land, sea

  2. sea, land

  3. sea, air

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The first Persian attack on Greece failed due to contraction of diseases and lack of food. It did not even reach Greece, but had to go back. In the second invasion in 490 BC., they avoided the land route and came by sea route, landing at a place called Marathon near Athens. Hence, Option A is correct. Among the rest, B implies that the Persians came by land, but that was in first invasion. Air invasion was not possible as aircrafts were invented much later in nineteenth century. Hence, these are incorrect. 

Who was the king of Persia during the first Persian attack on Greece?

  1. King Darius

  2. Xerxes

  3. Cyprus the Great

  4. Cambyses II

Correct Option: A

The first Persian invasion of Greece, during the Persian Wars, began in 492 BC, and ended with the decisive Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. The invasion, consisting of two distinct campaigns, was ordered by the Persian king Darius the Great in order to punish the city-states of Athens and Eretria. These cities had supported the cities of Ionia during their revolt against Persian rule, thus incurring the wrath of Darius. Darius also saw the opportunity to extend his empire into Europe, and to secure its western frontier. Hence, Option A is correct.