Tag: automobile and electronic industries

Questions Related to automobile and electronic industries

The first machine made paper was manufactured _________.

  1. in 1870 near Kolkata

  2. in 1903 in Mumbai

  3. in 1910 at Delhi

  4. After independence

Correct Option: A

The first cement factory was built in India at _______.

  1. Ranchi

  2. Hazaribagh

  3. Chennai

  4. Gujarat

Correct Option: D
First Cement Factory of India.
India entered into the Cement Era in 1914, when the Indian Cement Company Ltd. started manufacturing Cement in Porbundar in Gujarat. However, even before that a small cement factory was established in Madras in 1904 by a company named South India Industrial Ltd.

The first cement plant of India was set up in ______.

  1. Mumbai

  2. Chennai

  3. Kolkata

  4. Kanpur

Correct Option: B

The first cement plant was set up in the year 1904, in Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 

What makes your toothpaste white?

  1. Titanium dioxide

  2. White powder

  3. Talcum powder

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is commonly applied to enhance the white color and brightness of food products. TiO2 is also used as a white pigment in other products such as toothpaste. A small fraction of the pigment is known to be present as nanoparticles.

The first cement plant was set up in _________.

  1. Mumbai

  2. Chennai

  3. Kolkata

  4. Kanpur

Correct Option: B

  • The first cement plant was set up in 1904, in Chennai.
  • First attempt to manufacture cement in an organized way commenced in Madras. South India Industries Limited began the manufacture of Portland cement in 1904. But the effort did not succeed and the company had to halt production.
  • Finally, it was in 1914 that the first licensed cement manufacturing unit was set up by India Cement Company Ltd at Porbandar, Gujarat with an available capacity of 10,000 tons and production of 1000 installed.

Nepanagar in Madhya Pradesh is famous for ________industry.

  1. Sugar

  2. Newsprint

  3. Cement

  4. Chemicals

Correct Option: B

  • Nepanagar is an industrial town in Burhanpur district in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Nepanagar is famous for its newsprint paper mill, and was founded in 1948 and started its production from April 1956.
  • Nepa Mills Limited was earlier known as The National News Print Ltd.

Which of the following industry is not dependent on forests?

  1. Paper

  2. Rubber

  3. Resin

  4. Aluminium

Correct Option: D

Forest industries are those which are dependent on the materials that are derived from the forestry. Paper, rubber and resin industries are dependant on forests for their raw material. But the raw material for aluminium is bauxite which is found in the earth's crust.

Raw materials for paper industry are easily available.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Although raw materials for paper are available in the forests, it is not very easily procured. Paper mills are generally established near forests where bamboo and other soft wood trees are available.

How many stages are there in paper making?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 8

Correct Option: C

There are three main stages in paper production, from when the timber arrives at the mill as a raw material right up to the stage when it becomes the final packaged product.