Tag: automobile and electronic industries

Questions Related to automobile and electronic industries

Paper mills are generally established near ______.

  1. Forests

  2. Metro cities

  3. Oceans

  4. Deserts

Correct Option: A

What led to the disappearance of bamboo near paper mills?

  1. Climate change

  2. Pollution

  3. Excessive cutting of bamboo

  4. Global warming

Correct Option: C

Paper mills are generally established near forests where bamboo and other soft wood trees are available. Paper mills engage contractors to supply bamboo and other raw materials. Due to excessive cutting in the past, there are no bamboos available in forests near the paper mills now.

Which is the raw material required in paper production?

  1. Bamboo

  2. Eucalyptus

  3. Subabul tree

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Bamboo,Eucalyptus and Subabul tree are used for the paper production.
The remaining material comes from wood fiber from sawmills, recycled newspaper, some vegetable matter, and recycled cloth. Coniferous trees, such as spruce and fir, used to be preferred for papermaking because the cellulose fibers in the pulp of these species are longer, therefore making for stronger paper.

Which of the following wood in most widely used in paper production?

  1. Oak

  2. Subabul wood

  3. Maple

  4. Birch

Correct Option: B

Paper mills generally use wood from bamboo, eucalyptus and subabul trees. Subabul wood is most widely used now. Besides wood, a large number of chemicals such as common salt, caustic soda and so on are also used in different stages of paper making. 

What is chipping process in paper making?

  1. Cutting large wood pieces into small chips

  2. Boiling the woods with chemicals

  3. Spreading of liquid on thin screens over a cylinder

  4. Smoothening of pulp

Correct Option: A

In the process of Chipping, large wood pieces are cut into small chips with the help of large machines. The chips are separated according to the size. 

Workers who are employed off and on are called _______.

  1. Permanent workers

  2. Casual workers

  3. Contract workers

  4. Company workers

Correct Option: B

 Workers who are employed off and on are called ‘Casual Workers.’ Usually factory owners try to reduce their costs by employing casual workers even for regular work.

Paper industry in a non polluting industry.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Paper industry is a polluting industry, chemicals are required for making the paper. It also draws a lot of fresh water from the river but lets out wastewater containing poisonous chemicals which eventually joins the river.

Paper making involves chipping, pulp making, _____________.

  1. Spreading the pulp

  2. Pressing drying and rolling

  3. Cutting

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Paper is actually made in five stages. 

  1. Chipping: In this stage, large wood pieces are cut into small chips with the help of large machines. 
  2. Making of wood pulp: The small wood chips are sent to fibre line section. In this section, the wood chips are boiled with some chemicals in large vessels.  
  3. Spreading the pulp: The liquid pulp is spread on thin screens over a cylinder.  
  4. Pressing, drying and rolling: The drying pulp is pressed by rollers to smoothen it. 
  5. Cutting: The paper is cut in the cutting machines according to the size required. 

________ allows a factory to produce paper continuously throughout the day.

  1. The match system

  2. The batch system

  3. The union system

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

 The batch system allows a factory to produce continuously throughout the day. It also allows the managers to trace any mistake in the product by checking what went wrong with the particular batch.