Tag: geography
Questions Related to geography
In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practised?
Choose the correct option to complete the statements given:
Which one is not a farming activity?
Ditches made between the two rows of a crop are called as _______________.
Dry farming in India is extensively practised in _______.
"Slash and Burn agriculture" is the name given to _______.
The soil which is highly suitable for dry farming is _________.
Which group has correct matching, choose the correct answer from the codes given below :
Group A | Group B |
(A) Tea | (I) Tripura |
(B) Pineapple | (II) Manipur |
(C) Betel nut | (III) Meghalaya |
(D) Mulberry | (IV) Assam |
Tea, coffee, rubber, pepper and cashew nut are _______ crops.
Which of the following crop is Kharif crop as well as Rabi crop?
Which type of farming is practiced in areas where the rainfall is low and irrigation facilities are inadequate?