Tag: immunity and blood groups

Questions Related to immunity and blood groups

Donor X and recipient Y belong to same blood group. Transfusion has led to RBC agglutination because

  1. X is $Rh^+$, Y is $Rh^-$

  2. X is $Rh^-$, Y is $Rh^+$

  3. Both are $Rh^+$

  4. Both are $Rh^-$.

Correct Option: A

$Rh^-$ mother carries $Rh^+$ foetus. The foetus is at risk of disease called

  1. Haemophilia

  2. Haemolytic disease

  3. Tuberculosis

  4. Syphilis.

Correct Option: B

Rh factor occurs in

  1. All reptiles

  2. Man and Rhesus Monkey

  3. All mammals

  4. All vertebrates.

Correct Option: B

A sample of blood shows clumping with antiserum A but not with antiserum B. The blood group would be

  1. O

  2. A

  3. B

  4. AB.

Correct Option: B

Blood group B means the person

  1. Can form antibody for B

  2. Cannot form antibody for B

  3. Can receive blood of AB group

  4. Cannot receive blood group O.

Correct Option: B

Problem related to Rh factor arias when $Rh^+$ and $Rh^-$ bloods mix up

  1. In test tube

  2. Through transfusion

  3. Through pregnancy

  4. Both A and C.

Correct Option: B

Person with AB blood group can receive blood from

  1. AB only

  2. O only

  3. Both A and B

  4. All the above.

Correct Option: D

In which of the following situations, there is risk of erythroblastosis foetalis

  1. Mother $Rh^+$, father $Rh^+$

  2. Mother $Rh^-$, father $Rh^-$

  3. Mother $Rh^-$, father $Rh^+$

  4. Mother $Rh^+$, father $Rh^-$.

Correct Option: C

Which one is not a blood group

  1. ABO and Rh

  2. Rh and MN

  3. Buffs and Kips

  4. Lewis and Duffy.

Correct Option: C

Blood corpuscles containing both A and B antigens are mixed with another blood serum. The blood corpuscles agglutinated. Blood serum belongs to blood group

  1. A

  2. B

  3. AB

  4. O.

Correct Option: D