Tag: mediterranean climatic region

Questions Related to mediterranean climatic region

Sirocco wind rises from _________.

  1. The Mediterranean Sea

  2. The Thar Desert

  3. The Sahara Desert

  4. Southern France

Correct Option: C
  • Sirocco is a Mediterranean wind that comes from  the Sahara and can reach hurricane speeds in North Africa  and  Southern Europe especially during the summer season..
  • The Sirocco causes dusty dry conditions along the northern coast of Africa, storms in the Mediterranean Sea, and cool wet weather in Europe. 
  • The term Sirocco  is a name given to hot and subsequently humid southeast to southwest winds originating as hot, dry desert-air over Northern Africa, flowing northward into the southern Mediterranean basin.

The temperate grasslands of South-Eastern Europe are known as ________.

  1. Veld

  2. Savana

  3. Steppes

  4. Prairies

Correct Option: C

The temperate grasslands of south-eastern Europe are known as steppes. The temperate grassland region is characterized by warm and dry summer and cold winter. Various parts of the steppes have been cleaned and brought under cultivation. Soils of the steppes are generally deficit in humus but contain calcium, which is especially suitable for grain crops. In this grasslands, cattle and sheep are rared for milk, meat, skin, and wool.

The _____ are hot, dry and dusty winds blowing over the southern Mediterranean regions of Europe.

  1. Sirocco

  2. Mistral

  3. Chinnook

  4. Harmattan 

Correct Option: A

sirocco is a hot wind, often dusty or rainy, blowing South, from North Africa across the Mediterranean to southern Europe. mistral is a cold northwesterly wind usually strong, that blows through the southern France into the Mediterranean, mainly in winter.

The Tundra type of climate only supports growth of ____________.

  1. Mosses

  2. Lichens

  3. Both a and b

  4. Maple trees

Correct Option: C

In physical geography, tundra is an area where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. There are three types of tundra: Arctic tundra, Antarctic tundra, and alpine tundra. In all of these types, the dominant vegetation is grasses, mosses, and lichens.

Lichens are not a plant, while mosses are. In the Nature Explorers study '"A Fungus Among Us", we dive into the topic of lichens because they're a type of fungus. However, they are unlike a “normal” fungus because a lichen can't exist without algae or cyanobacteria.

The Western Europe experiences ___________________.

  1. Oceanic climate

  2. mediterranean climate

  3. Continental Climate

  4. None of threse

Correct Option: A

Oceanic climate

Western Europe has an Oceanic climate, far southern Europe has a Mediterranean climate, and eastern Europe is classified as having a Continental climate. The climate of western Europe is strongly conditioned by the Gulf Stream, which keeps mild air (for the latitude) over Northwestern Europe in the winter months, especially in Ireland, the UK and coastal Norway.

Parts of the central European plains have a hybrid oceanic/continental climate. Four seasons occur in most of Europe away from the Mediterranean. The coastal lowlands near and on the Mediterranean Sea, have more of a wet and dry season pattern, with winter the season of most rainfall, and summers a time of few rainy days.

The ________ is a most important animal of the Tundra region.

  1. Snow tigers

  2. Reindeer

  3. Horses

  4. Wolf

Correct Option: B


Caribou or reindeer refers to the various subspecies of the species Rangifer tarandus. In North America, caribou is found in Alaska, northern parts of Canada including territories in Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Canadian Rockies, Selkirk and the Columbia Mountains. Reindeer, the Eurasian name for caribou, is found in the tundra ecoregion of northern Europe and Siberia. Caribou or reindeer occur both in the wild or as semi-domesticated herds. These animals are utilized by the people of the tundra regions for their milk, meat, hide, and are also used for transportation.

The Arctic type of climate in Europe is also called as ____________.

  1. The Tundra

  2. The Taiga

  3. Polar

  4. Temperate

Correct Option: A

The Arctic type of climate is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. There is a large amount of variability in climate across the Arctic, but all regions experience extremes of solar radiation in both summer and winter. The Arctic type of climate in Europe is also called as Tundra because Tundra region has the same type of climate as Arctic. The northern part of the continents within the polar region is known as the Tundra region. Tundra regions are found in the northern and southern hemispheres between the ice-covered poles and the coniferous forests.

The Taiga region of Europe is also known as ________________.

  1. Deciduous Forest Region

  2. Coniferous Forest Region

  3. Steppes Region

  4. Rich Wheat Region

Correct Option: B

Coniferous forest region,

Taiga Biome Facts
The taiga biome is the largest terrestrial biome and extends across Europe, North America, and Asia. It is located right below the tundra biome. The taiga biome is also known as coniferous forest or boreal forest. This biome typically has short, wet summers and long, cold winters. Precipitation is moderate in the taiga. It gets plenty of snow during the winter and plenty of rainfall during the summer.

Viticulture is the most important profession in _______________.

  1. Mediterranean type of Climate

  2. Continental type of climate

  3. West European type of climate

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Mediterranean type of climate,

In viticulture, the climates of wine regions are categorised based on the overall characteristics of the area's climate during the growing season.While variations in macroclimate are acknowledged, the climates of most wine regions are categorised (somewhat loosely based on the Köppen climate classification) as being part of a Mediterranean (for example Tuscany, maritime  or continental climate (ex: Columbia Valley). The majority of the world's premium wine production takes place in one of these three climate categories in locations between the 30th parallel and 50th parallel in both the northern and southern hemisphere. While viticulture does exist in some tropical climates, most notably Brazil, the amount of quality wine production in those areas is so small that the climate effect has not been as extensively studied as other categories.

The Mistral are cold winds from north rushing down the _______________.

  1. River Rhone Valley

  2. River Nile Valley

  3. River Hudson

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

River rhone valley,

The Mistral, a cold dry north or northwest wind, which blows down through the Rhone Valley to the Mediterranean, and can reach speeds of ninety kilometers an hour. The Levant, a very humid east wind, which brings moisture from the eastern Mediterranean.