Tag: geography

Questions Related to geography

Which is the largest lake in Africa?

  1. Tanganyika (B) Nyasa

  2. Tanganyika

  3. Edward

  4. Victoria

Correct Option: D

  1. Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the largest freshwater body in Africa and the second largest in the world, smaller only than Lake Superior, which is one of North America\'s Great Lakes.

The highest mountain peak in Africa is __________.

  1. Kenya

  2. Atlas

  3. Nyasa

  4. Kilimanjaro

Correct Option: D

'The highest African mountain is Kilimanjaro, which has three peaks, named Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira, of which Kibo is the tallest.'

Salyut 6 and Salyut 7, were built with:

  1. three docking ports

  2. two docking ports

  3. five docking ports

  4. No docking ports

Correct Option: B

Salyut 6 and Salyut 7 were the second generation of the Salyut programme which was the first space station programme undertaken by the Soviet Union. They both were built with two docking ports, one on either end of the station.

The space stations so far launched are broadly classified into two types:

  1. Mir and Skylab

  2. Apollo and Salyut

  3. Monolithic and Modular

  4. Almaz and Salyut

Correct Option: C

The space station launched are broadly classified into two types: 

  1. Monolithic : earlier space station, Salyut and Skylab in which were constructed and launched in one piece, and then manned by a crew later. 
  2. Modular: Mir and ISS, a core unit was launched, and additional modules, generally with a specific role, were later added to that.

Salyut and Skylab were built:

  1. monolithic

  2. duo lithic

  3. trilithic

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Salyut and Skylab were built monolithic meaning that they were constructed and launched in one piece, and then manned by a crew later. 

Which of the following is cannot be considered as the use of space stations?

  1. Space station is used to study the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body

  2. Space station provides a platform for greater number and length of scientific studies than it is available on other space vehicles.

  3. Space stations are used both for military and civilian purposes.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

Space stations are made to conduct experiments that needs to be done out in space. It is used to study the effects of long-duration space flight on human body. These provides a platform for greater number and length of scientific studies than it is available on other space vehicles and other military and civilian purposes.

All organisms that feed at each other link in a food chain comprise a ______.

  1. food pyramid

  2. energy pyramid

  3. trophic level

  4. calorie

  5. biomass

Correct Option: C

'Industrialise or Perish' was the motto of ___________.

  1. Visveswaraiah

  2. Nehru

  3. Gandhiji

  4. Vivekananda

Correct Option: A

'Industrialise or Perish' was the motto of Visveswaraiah.

He is known for his dictum "Industrialise or perish". Stated by Ramaswamy Mudaliar quoted in The Most Celebrated Indian Engineer:Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

Which one of the following factors has least influence on the location of industries?

  1. Availability of raw materials locally

  2. Availability of power resources

  3. Stock market

  4. Transport facilities

Correct Option: C

Stock market is one of the factor which has least influence on the location of industries.
Factors Influencing the Location of Industries : Geographical and Non-Geographical Factors! Many important geographical factors involved in the location of individual industries are of relative significance, e.g., availability of raw materials, power resources, water, labour, markets and the transport facilities.

Which of the following is not a geographical factor affecting the location of industry?

  1. Raw material

  2. Labour

  3. Water

  4. Industrial inertia

Correct Option: D

Industrial inertia is the factor irrelevant to the location of industries. Industrial inertia (geographical) describes a stage at which an industry prefers to run in its former location although the main alluring factors are gone. For example, the raw material source is depleted or an energy crisis has emerged.