Tag: location of industries

Questions Related to location of industries

'Industrialise or Perish' was the motto of ___________.

  1. Visveswaraiah

  2. Nehru

  3. Gandhiji

  4. Vivekananda

Correct Option: A

'Industrialise or Perish' was the motto of Visveswaraiah.

He is known for his dictum "Industrialise or perish". Stated by Ramaswamy Mudaliar quoted in The Most Celebrated Indian Engineer:Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

Which one of the following factors has least influence on the location of industries?

  1. Availability of raw materials locally

  2. Availability of power resources

  3. Stock market

  4. Transport facilities

Correct Option: C

Stock market is one of the factor which has least influence on the location of industries.
Factors Influencing the Location of Industries : Geographical and Non-Geographical Factors! Many important geographical factors involved in the location of individual industries are of relative significance, e.g., availability of raw materials, power resources, water, labour, markets and the transport facilities.

Which of the following is not a geographical factor affecting the location of industry?

  1. Raw material

  2. Labour

  3. Water

  4. Industrial inertia

Correct Option: D

Industrial inertia is the factor irrelevant to the location of industries. Industrial inertia (geographical) describes a stage at which an industry prefers to run in its former location although the main alluring factors are gone. For example, the raw material source is depleted or an energy crisis has emerged.

Which of the following is a commercial factor affecting the distribution of industries

  1. Capital

  2. Labour

  3. Raw material

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A

Capitals are the Commercials or Non-Geographical Factors which consists of Modem industries which are capital-intensive and require huge investments. Capitalists are available in urban centers. Big cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, and Chennai are big industrial centers, because the big capitalists live in these cities.

Factors affecting the location of industries is classified as which of the following below mentioned factors ______________.

  1. Geographical factors

  2. Non Geographical factors

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Industrial locations are complex in nature. These are influenced by the availability of many factors. Some of them are: raw material, land, water, labor, capital, power, transport, and market. For ease of convenience, we can classify the location factors into two: geographical factors and non-geographical factors.

Industries like iron and steel are located near the places which have abundant 

  1. Coal

  2. Iron

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Industries like iron and steel are located near the places which have abundant of Coal and Iron .These are termed as Coastal Regions. As iron and coal were depleted the need for imported coal and iron increased. This made factories to shift to newer areas in the coastal regions. The coastal factories depended on imported iron or coal and lowered cost of transportation from factory to port.

Iron ore and coal producing regions have a bi-directional relationship. The wagons that transported coal to iron ore regions would return empty so un-economical use. Hence the wagons would return with iron ore towards the coal producing regions. Thus in both these areas iron and coal industries flourished. E.g: Pittsburg-Lake Superior, Bokaro-Rourkela.

Which of the following is/are a/the geographical factor/s affecting the location of industries

  1. Water

  2. Climate

  3. Site

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Factors Influencing the Location of Industries: Geographical and Non-Geographical Factors. Many important geographical factors involved in the location of individual industries are of relative significance, e.g., availability of raw materials, power resources, climatic conditions, water, site locations, labour, markets and the transport facilities.

Which of the following statements are true

A. Establishment of industries involves daily exchange of crores of rupees

B. The areas with better banking facilities are better suited to the establishment of industries.

  1. Only A

  2. Only B

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The lock industry at Aligarh is located based on which of the following factors

  1. Labour

  2. Capital

  3. Industrial inertia

  4. Government policies

Correct Option: C

Industries tend to develop at the place of their original establishment, though the original cause may have disappeared. This phenomenon is referred to as inertia, sometimes as geographical inertia and sometimes industrial inertia. The lock industry at Aligarh is such an example.

Which of the following is needed for establishment of any industry? 

  1. Raw material

  2. Water

  3. Transport

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
The basic requirements for setting up any modern industry are - 
1. Land - 
Land includes all natural resources which are obtained from Land. Example - coal, metals, fruits & vegetables, foodgrains etc.
2. Labour - 
Labour includes all kinds of physical and mental labour involved in production. It also includes work done at all levels, directly or indirectly.
3. Capital - 
No modern industry can be setup without funds, either owned or borrowed from sources like Banks, Finance companies etc.
4. Entrepreneurship - 
Enterpreneur is the centre for establishing an industry. It can be a individual or a group of people involved in an economic activity for earning profit.