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Questions Related to english

What is moral of a story?

  1. the message the story contains 

  2. the headline

  3. the framework of a story

  4. the characters

Correct Option: A

The moral of a story is the message contained in the story. The framework of a story is called its structure. The headline is the title. The characters are the people in the story. Hence, option A is correct.

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word:

The most important thing to do when you start a narrative is to __________.

  1. name all the characters

  2. say when the action took place

  3. make the reader want to read on

  4. explain where the action took palce

Correct Option: C

The primary motive of any author should be to make the narrative engaging for the readers. If the readers like the way events unfold in a narrative, then only will they continue to read. And if they continue to read, they'll slowly come to know what the narrative has in store for them and will find the answers of the other options from the narrative itself. So, Option C is correct and the other options are wrong.

Fill in the blank from the options listed below:

One way to keep events in order when you write a narrative is to ___________ .

  1. write about a real life event

  2. use consistent verb-tenses

  3. look in a family scrapbook for story ideas

  4. choose an interesting place to write about

Correct Option: B

Keeping in mind the chronology of events is very important while framing a narrative. So, maintaining the sequence of tenses becomes all the more essential for proper production of a narrative. Thus, option B is correct. The other options are incorrect because they are just certain store-houses where one can get ideas to frame a narrative. They do not say anything about the construction of a narrative.

Arrange the following dramatic arcs as they appear in the plot of the story.

a. Falling action
b. Rising action 
c. Exposition
d. Denouement
e. Climax

  1. c-b-e-a-d

  2. d-b-e-a-c

  3. c-b-d-e-a

  4. c-b-d-a-e

Correct Option: A

In simple terms, the dramatic arc is shaped by the beginning, middle, and end of a story. The story begins with a brief introduction of the characters, setting, narrative, etc. i.e. exposition which is the first arc. Next is the rising action which is usually prompted by a key trigger (also known as the inciting incident). Such an incident rolls the dice and causes a series of events to escalate, setting the rest of the story in motion. Next comes the climax which will tie the loopholes together and reveal a higher truth. In the falling action, the authors start resolving the remaining subplots and mini-conflicts. The denouement in simpler terms is the wrapping up of the story. It is also known as the resolution. Hence the correct sequencing is c-b-e-a-d, i.e. option A.

Fill in the blank with the correct word:

Another word for narrative is _______________

  1. poem

  2. story

  3. play

  4. title

Correct Option: B

Narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events or a story. Thus, Option B is correct and the other options cancel out.

Which of the following best defines a character sketch?
Select the best option. 

  1. A written analysis of a character's role in a plot

  2. A brief introduction to the story of a character

  3. A written description of the relationships of a character

  4. A written description of the qualities of a character

Correct Option: D

Choice D is correct as a charcter sketch descibes the character. Choice A is wrong as the role of the character would tell the story or make the story move forward. Choice B is wrong as an introduction to the story is not a character sketch. Choice C is wrong relationships do not make a character sketch

Fill in the blank with a suitable option:
A character sketch should ______________.

  1. be a page long

  2. arranged in 5 paragraphs

  3. at least 2 paragraphs long

  4. include sufficient detail

Correct Option: D

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option A: There is no limit on how much should be written about the character.
Option B: An essay is ideally in 5 paragraphs. It is not necessary for a character sketch to be in the same format.
Option C: Similarly, there is no limit on how much detail should be written and in how many paragraphs.
Hence options A, B and C are wrong.
Option D: The purpose of the sketch is to include sufficient detail about the character, his likes and dislikes, feelings, and aspects that describe him as a person.
Hence option D is correct.

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
You need  ______________ in order to create a character sketch.

  1. all the information about a character

  2. a clear idea of the personality of the character 

  3. a detailed account of the history of the character 

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Options A and B:
A character sketch gives the reader an idea about the character's personality, rather than everything about it. The sketch is made for the reader to understand how the character thinks and feels. This expresses personality.
You don't need all the information about the character, as it wouldn't help the reader as much to understand the character.
Hence option A is wrong and B is right.
Option C: It is not necessary to know the detailed history of the character, what shapes a character is how he talks, thinks, feels and behaves.
Hence option C is wrong.
Option D is wrong as only one answer is right 'B'.

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
A character sketch is usually written ___________ . 

  1. before the character has been identified completely

  2. after planning out the role of the character in the story

  3. from the point of view of someone else

  4. by the character themselves

Correct Option: C

Choose the best answer for the following question:

Which of the following could best help in writing a character sketch?

  1. the character's date of birth

  2. the character's parents' names

  3. the character's hair color

  4. the character's feelings

Correct Option: D

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option D: As mentioned above, a character can be portrayed best by describing how they think and feel 'state of mind as shaped by former experiences'. The writer describes the character so that the reader can understand it better. The understanding will come through when the reader identifies with the thoughts and emotions of the character. Hence option D is correct.
Options A, B and C:
The date of birth, parents' names and 'hair colour' do not describe the character in its best possible way. It does not help the reader understand the character.
Hence these options are wrong.