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You are writing a story. You plan to create characters who are poor yet happy. 
Which of the following would be a suitable setting for your story?

  1. A farm

  2. A seaside villa

  3. A forest

  4. An island

Correct Option: A

The type of setting which influences the plot, characters or theme of the story is called a/an _________ setting. 

  1. integral

  2. backdrop

  3. background

  4. Setting cannot affect the theme

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not an element of the setting?

  1. Weather and climate

  2. Time of year

  3. Time of war

  4. Language spoken by characters

Correct Option: D

The setting of a story is the time, environment and geographical location within the narrative. Therefore, Options A, B and C are vital elements of the setting for a story.

Option D is the correct answer as the language spoken by characters is not connected to the time, environment or location of a story. Hence option D is not an element of the setting. 

Which of the following does not help create a setting with an 'angry' mood?

  1. Soft music

  2. Fire

  3. strong winds

  4. thunder and lightning

Correct Option: A

Angry mood is always associated with fire, rage gushes of winds, thunder lightning and an unsettling or unstable setting. Option B,C and D provide the angry mood but option A is associated with calm, peaceful, serene mood . Therefore option A is the correct answer.

You are writing a story. You plan to create characters who are strict, reserved, and highly educated.
Which of the following would be a suitable setting for your story?

  1. A castle in the 17th century.

  2. A railway station

  3. An old mansion

  4. A factory warehouse

Correct Option: C

Which of the following can be used to hint that the setting is a supermarket?

  1. Glittering shoes and purses behind the glass window

  2. Lines of cereal boxes stacked on the shelves

  3. Small wooden chairs and tables in a row

  4. Leaves strewn across the dark, moist soil

Correct Option: B

Select the best exposition to introduce the given character:

Henry is a very silent child and does not have any friends. 

  1. Henry was a very silent child and did not have any friends.

  2. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Henry who was quiet and did not have any friends.

  3. Say hello to Henry. He is a quiet boy without any friends.

  4. Henry was not fond of people, and people seemed to leave him alone too.

Correct Option: D
An exposition is a form of background information given to a character, plot or story, to provide more insight into that character or plot.
Option D: This option introduces the character by saying that 'Henry is a silent child and does not have any friends', without using the exact words again. So, the reader is able to understand the character better, by concluding that Henry does not like people, hence he does not have friends.
So, option D is correct.
Options A, B and C simply state the same words about the character again 'Henry was silent', 'without friends'. These words do not introduce the character 'Henry' or give more information about it. Hence options A, B and C are wrong.

While writing an exposition, one must be careful not to do which of the following?

  1. Use complex sentences

  2. Reveal the plot of the story

  3. Write briefly

  4. Provide useful information

Correct Option: B

An exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information or a backstory of a character or plot.

Option B: An exposition describes a scene, character or plot and hence reveals more information about it.
But, it does not reveal the entire plot of the story. The function of an exposition is to help the reader understand the plot/character better, and not reveal the story itself. Hence option B is correct.
Option A: An exposition can use complex sentences.
Options C and D: An exposition should preferably be brief, and it should provide information useful to the story.
Hence options A, C and D are wrong.

Which of the following is an example of a part of an exposition?
Choose the best option:

  1. The very next day, she woke up to find herself in a new place ...

  2. Once upon a time, there lived a gracious king ...

  3. Finally, the witch was dead ...

  4. There was only one way out ...

Correct Option: B

 An exposition is 'a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory'.

In literature, it's a literary device that introduces background information about events, settings, characters or other elements of a work to the reader.
Option B: This line 'once upon a time...' introduces a story, which is a part of a story. Hence option B is correct.
Option A: This line is a continuation of a story, and in the middle of a scene.
It does not reveal any background information.
Option C: This line is a conclusion and does not reveal any background information.
Option D: This line is a narration of an event and not a backstory.
Hence options A, C and D are wrong.

Why writer's give advice "show, don't tell"?

  1. It's a good idea for writers to include pictures along with their words.

  2. Writers should never give any information directly to their readers.

  3. Readers experience the story more emotionally when presented with sensory detail rather than summarized information.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Option C: This option is correct because that is what the writer means by the words "show, don't tell". The reader will experience the scene better when it is presented well enough for the reader to imagine, rather than just being fed with details.

Consider this example:
'While Rachel was sang to herself behind the wheels, she didn't realize a white Pomeranian in front of her car, and by the time she stopped her car, it was too late. She quickly leaped out of the car to see that the pup was like in its own pool of blood. It led out a short, whimpering cry and then stopped breathing.'
The reader will react more to a puppy's death scene when the writer presents how the puppy died, than when the writer simply says 'Rachel lost focus and run over a puppy'.
Hence, option C is correct.
Option A: This option gives the literal meaning of "show, don't tell". But, this is not what the writer advises to do.
Option B: This line does not explain why the writer advises so.
Hence, options A and B are wrong.
Option D is wrong because the answer lies only in option C.