Tag: english
Questions Related to english
The lampshades shone pleasantly in Jim's room (he preferred low lighting) and a breeze wafted in through the window.
Choose the option that best corrects the sentence.
Which of the following is NOT the function of parentheses?
Which of the following statement(s) about double dashes is/are NOT true?
Choose the option that best describes the function of parenthesis.
Correct the given sentence using double dash where necessary:
Everyone at the event men, women, children, supported the cause.
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
Over the last few years, there has been a radical change in the village's population ... most people under the age of 35 have migrated to nearby cities.
Choose the option that best corrects the underlined word.
There were seeds, nuts and fruit in the salad, it was a nutritious meal.
Choose the option that best corrects the underlined words.
Choose the option that best corrects the underlined part of the sentence.
The umbrella was faded, torn and broken, it was old and much-used.
Choose the option that best corrects the underlined word.