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Questions Related to english

Communication is one of the most important soft skills - it is key to any work project.

Choose the option that best corrects the underlined words.

  1. skills, it is

  2. skills; it is

  3. skills: it is


Correct Option: B
The semi colon represents a longer pause than comma. It is used to separate clauses which are loosely connected in thought. As, the given sentence consists of clauses that are not strongly connected., a semi colon must be used to link them.
A colon is used between sentences grammatically correct but closely related.
The usage of an em dash will also be incorrect, it is used to set apart parenthetical phrases and clauses in a sentence.
Thus, the correct answer is Option B.

Choose the option that best corrects the underlined part of the sentence:
The house had balconies, a well-equipped kitchen and a pretty garden at the back, it was everything Hannah and Ralph were looking for.


  2. balconies, a well-equipped kitchen and a pretty garden at the back;

  3. balconies and a well-equipped kitchen, and a pretty garden at the back:

  4. balconies, a well-equipped kitchen and a pretty garden at the back -

Correct Option: B
The semi colon represents a longer pause than comma. It is used to separate clauses which are loosely connected in thought. As, the given sentence consists of clauses that are not strongly connected., a semi colon must be used to link them.
A comma is used before coordinate conjunctions that joins two independent clauses whereas, a colon is used between sentences grammatically correct but closely related.
An em dash is used to set apart parenthetical phrases or clauses in a sentence. 
Thus, the correct answer is Option B.
Choose the option that best corrects the underlined words.
The trees were tall, leafy and abounding with spring flowers, it seemed the ideal location for Michael's outdoor play.

  2. tall, leafy and abounding with spring flowers ...

  3. tall, leafy, abounding with spring flowers; it

  4. tall, leafy and abounding with spring flowers; it

Correct Option: D

Compound sentences are those which contain more than one subject or predicate. Semicolon is used to show bigger separation when there is already comma within a sentence for smaller separations. 'Tall', 'leafy' and 'flowers' are more than one predicate in the sentence and comma is used within sentence thus semi colon should be used after them to show bigger separation. Thus, option D is correct. 

Elise loved baking elaborate confections; she wanted to be a professional chef.

Choose the option that best corrects the underlined word.


  2. confections:

  3. confections,

  4. confections ...

Correct Option: A
A semi colon is used to separate clauses which are loosely connected in thought. The given sentence consists of clauses that are not strongly connected, so a semi colon must be used to link them. Thus, the correct answer is Option A.
Option B - A colon is used between sentences grammatically correct but closely related.
Option C - A comma is used before a conjunction that connects two independent clauses
Option D - An ellipsis can be used to represent a trailing of thought.

State whether true or false:
The placement of the adverb in the following sentence is correct.
Rita used to never read books.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The statement is false because the placement of the adverb in the sentence is incorrect. When we use auxiliaries such as "have to" and "used to," the adverb is always placed before the verb. So, the correct sentence would be:
Rita never used to read books.

State whether true or false:
When there are two or more adverbs in a sentence, the correct order of placement is adverb of place, time, manner. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The statement is false because when there are two or more adverbs in a sentence, the correct sequence of placement will be:
1. adverb of manner
2. adverb of place
3. adverb of time

Fill in the blank with the correct option:
The adverb "enough" is always placed ________.

  1. before the word it modifies

  2. after the word it modifies

  3. at the beginning of the sentence

  4. at the end of the sentence

Correct Option: B

Option B is the correct answer because "enough" is always placed after the word it modifies in the sentence. 
For example:
He was kind enough to lend me money. (enough - adverb; placed after the word it modifies - kind)

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

He walked as far as the next town almost before he turned back.

  1. He walked almost as far as the next town before he turned back.

  2. He almost walked as far as the next town before he turned back.

  3. He walked as far as the next town before he almost turned back.


Correct Option: A

In the given sentence, almost is the adverb of degree. It is modifying adjective 'as far as' given in the sentence. It should be placed before adjective. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

He stopped only for lunch on his way to his parents' place.

  1. He stopped for only lunch on his way to his parents' place.

  2. He stopped for lunch only on his way to his parents' place.

  3. He only stopped for lunch on his way to his parents' place.


Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C because the adverb "only" is always placed before the verb that it modifies. Here, the adverb "only" modifies the verb "stopped" and hence, it is placed just before the verb in the sentence.

Options A and B are wrong because they do not have the correct placement of "only." 
Option D is wrong because the original sentence is incorrect and needs to be changed.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

He spoke to his son angrily.

  1. Angrily spoke he to his son. 

  2. Angrily to his son he spoke.

  3. He spoke angrily to his son.


Correct Option: C

The adverb 'angrily' is used to describe the manner in which something happens. Adverbs of manner are generally placed after the verb they qualify.

In the given sentence, 'angrily' qualifies the verb 'spoke'. Thus, it will be placed after spoke.
Angrily is placed at the beginning of the sentence hence options A and B are incorrect.
Option D will also be incorrect as the adverb is placed at the end of the sentence and not after the verb, which means we need to make a change in sentence.
Therefore, the answer is option C.