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Which of the following could best help in writing a character sketch?
Select the best option. 

  1. the character's favorite song

  2. the character's favorite movie

  3. the way the character talks

  4. the character's dog's name

Correct Option: C

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

The closest way of portraying a character, from these options, is 'the way the character talks'. This is the trait of a character, and can help the reader form an image of the character in mind.
His favourite song, movie, or dog's name are external factors that do not shape the character.
Hence option C is correct and A, B and D are wrong.

Select the best option. 

A character sketch should be which of the following? 

  1. brief

  2. lengthy

  3. self-explanatory

  4. descriptive

Correct Option: D

Choice C and D are correct as a character sketch has to describe the personality and physical attributes of the character.  t can be about one selfalso.Choice A is wrong as a brief character sketch would not be enough Choie B is wrong as lenghty character sketch would bore the reader.  

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
You need not ______________ in order to create a character sketch.

  1. know everything about the character

  2. predict how the character would behave

  3. assess how your character fits into the plot

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

It's not necessary to know all possible details about the character. Simple things that made the character more human to the reader are required.
Hence option A is incorrect.
Option B: A character sketch is made partly so that the reader can predict how the character would behave.
Option C: One of the reasons behind a character sketch is to judge or gauge how the character fits into the plot.
These are required, and the character sketch cannot do without these.
Hence options B and C are wrong.
For this reason, option D is also wrong.

Fill in the blank with a suitable option:
A character sketch which is used as a short story or a narrative on its own usually lacks _____________________.

  1. a plot or significant action

  2. a detailed description of the character

  3. incidents involving the character

  4. a structure or organization

Correct Option: A
Option A:
A character sketch is 'a written description of a person's qualities'.
"Besides being an essay type that students write in composition classes, fiction authors can use character sketches in their pre-writing or drafting stages of short stories or novels as a means to develop the people who'll inhabit the world they're creating." But, character sketches are limited to the personality of that character and certain incidents that shape the character. They do not focus on the plot, but the character.
Hence, the character sketch lacks plot or significant action and option A is correct.
Option B: A character sketch is a detailed description of the character. Hence it cannot be lacking it, and option B is wrong.
Option C: A character sketch may involve incidents with regards to the character.
Option D: A character sketch that is used as a short story does require a structure, or an order under which the character builds. Without a structure, the narrative would be incomplete.
Hence, options B, C and D are wrong.

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
A character sketch should be ______________.

  1. realistic yet interesting

  2. realistic yet factual

  3. imaginative yet surprising

  4. descriptive yet concise

Correct Option: A

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option A: This is the most appropriate, logical option. A character should, while being realistic, should also be interesting. It should engage the reader in a way that he or she wants to know more about this character. Hence option A is correct.
Option B: 'Realistic' and 'factual' have similar meanings. 'Yet' presents a contrast between two things, not similarities.
Option C: A character sketch should not be imaginative, but realistic. An imaginative character sketch would require action and plot, which are not a part of a character's sketch.
Option D: 'Descriptive' and 'concise' are two opposites (on extremes), and we can't include both aspects while writing a character sketch. It's either descriptive or concise.
Hence options B, C and D are wrong.

Which of the following could best help in writing a character sketch?

  1. the way the character walks

  2. the character's house address

  3. the character's dreams

  4. the character's favorite book

Correct Option: C

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option C: As mentioned above, a character can be portrayed best by describing how they think and feel 'state of mind as shaped by former experiences'. The writer describes the character so that the reader can understand it better. One of the ways the character can be portrayed is by describing their dreams, because it reflects their fears, hopes and aspirations.
Hence option C is correct.
Options A, B and D:
'The way the character walks', 'the character's house address' and 'the character's favourite book' do not describe the character in its best possible way. It does not help the reader understand the character. These are external likes and qualities.
Hence these options are wrong.

Choose the best option to fill in the blank:
In a character sketch, the __________________ should fit with the character's personality in the rest of the story. 

  1. first impression of the character

  2. last impression of the character

  3. the actions of the character

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option A: The first impression of a character always sticks with the reader. Hence it should fit with the character's personality in the rest of the story. For example, if the character is a grumpy, angry person at first, who suddenly becomes kind and caring at some point, the reader would get confused about that character. (Unless the plot involves a hidden personality of that character.) Hence option A is correct.
Option B: The last impression shouldn't fit the character's personality since it would confuse the reader. It is said that the first impression is the last impression (and not vice versa).
Option C: 'The actions of the character' will fit with the character's personality, unless there's a backstory given to it. There is no need for an obligation 'should' attached to it.
Hence options B and C are wrong.
Option D is wrong because there is a correct option 'A'.

Fill in the blank with the most suitable option:
A character sketch ______________________.

  1. is only created of the main characters

  2. may be written on any character

  3. is only created of the protagonist

  4. is only created of the antagonist

Correct Option: B

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option B: The character sketch may or may not be formed of the main characters. It can also be about a character who plays a minor but pivotal role, depending on the story itself. Hence there is no compulsion, and option B is correct.
Options A, C and D: The character sketch is not limited to only the main characters, protagonist or antagonist. It can be on a person who's not the main character but plays an important role at some point.
Hence options A, C and D are wrong.

To make a character sketch more interesting, which of the following would be most effective?

  1. Convey the character and personality of the character through words.

  2. Convey all the possible traits and qualities you can think of.

  3. Use direct words and active verbs to describe the character.

  4. Convey the character's personality through actions rather than just words.

Correct Option: D

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option D: In order to make a character sketch more interesting, one must describe the character by the use of actions rather than words. For example, instead of saying that he likes football, the writer can add an experience that the character had, the first match he went to watch for his favourite sport: football.
Hence option D is correct.
Options A, B and C: These aren't ways to make a character sketch more interesting. They would make it sound dull instead.
Hence these options are wrong.

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
The habits and hobbies of a character may tell you about _______________ .

  1. their personality

  2. their family background

  3. their problems

  4. their decision-making skills

Correct Option: A

"A character sketch is a description made for the purpose of guiding the writer on such assignments as introducing a particular character to the reader in such a way that both the writer and readers can have a quick overview of the character's attributes; including but not limited to physical appearance, idiosyncratic (individual) tendencies in different circumstances, state of mind as shaped by former experiences and how these will affect their future actions."

Option A: 'Habits' and 'hobbies' tell you what the character likes to do and his daily way of living. This tells the reader about his personality.
The personality is 'a combination of characters and qualities that form an individual's distinctive character'. The 'habits and hobbies' do bring out the qualities of the character.
 Hence option A is correct.
Option B: The 'habits and hobbies' portray personal qualities of the character. It does not express his family background.
Option C: There is no connection between 'their problems' and 'habits'.
Option D: Similarly, there is no connection between the character's likes 'habits and hobbies' and his ability to make a decision.
Hence options B, C and D are wrong.