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Which of the following best describes the content of the introductory paragraph in a report?

  1. It should be the shortest paragraph in the report

  2. It should be the longest paragraph in the report

  3. It should contain the writer's opinion.

  4. It should inform the reader of the event/incident

Correct Option: D

Option D: The main function of an introductory paragraph is to introduce the report to the reader. This is done by informing the reader about the event/incident. Hence option D is correct.

Options A and B: This option does not describe the nature of the content. Also, it is not the length of the paragraph that matters, but the content.
Option C: An introductory paragraph of a report does not contain the writer's opinion.
Hence options A, B  and C are wrong.

Which of the following is true of a report?
(Select the best option.)

  1. use the active voice only

  2. use the passive voice only

  3. use the active voice rather than the passive voice

  4. use the passive voice rather than the active voice

Correct Option: C

Option C: One must use passive voice as little as possible in formal writing. A report, being formal, uses the active voice the most. Hence option C is correct.

Option A: The passive voice must be avoided as much as possible, but in places where the active voice can't be used, the passive would be utilized. Hence this option isn't correct.
Options B and D: One must avoid writing reports in passive voice.
Hence options A, B and D are wrong.

Select the best option to fill in the blanks:
The conclusion of a report should ____________________.

  1. be based on facts

  2. only contain recommendations

  3. be based on reader-opinion

  4. be a restatement of the event

Correct Option: A

Option A: A report's function is to convey information. Hence it should be based on facts. The same way, one must conclude the report based on facts. Hence option A is correct.

Option B: When a report's purpose is to recommend, then it ends with recommendations. If the purpose of the report is to give information about something or someone, then the recommendation isn't required. Hence this option isn't suitable.
Option C: The report is written for the reader, and by the writer. Hence, the reader's opinion cannot be recorded by the writer.
Option D: The conclusion can end by restating the event, or summarizing it. But, it shouldn't summarize it. Also, it's not necessary (should) to end a report with a restatement.
Hence options B, C and D are wrong.

Select the best option to fill in the blank:
A newspaper report differs from a school magazine report in that it is __________________.

  1. more formal

  2. less formal

  3. more informative

  4. less informative

Correct Option: A

The style and tone of a report depends upon the target audience. A report written in a school will differ from that written in a newspaper or a business organisation. A school student may not understand the complex language or words used in a newsppaer. Hence, the school report is written in simpler tone and language.

So, a newspaper report would be more formal than a school magazine report and option A is correct, B is wrong.
Options C and D: Newspaper reports deal with different subjects than school reports. The former deal with more serious issues, and the latter deal with events or incidents involving the school. Both are on different topics but both types of reports are detailed and informative in their own avenues.
Hence these options are not appropriate and C and D are wrong.

Which of the following should be mentioned at the end of the report?

  1. Date

  2. Reporter's name

  3. Headline

  4. Key details

Correct Option: B

State whether true or false:
Since the purpose of a report is to make information clear to the reader, it strictly deals with the subject and there is no room for personal comments or any direct address to the reader.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false:
A report attempts to present the first-hand information of an incident or event, including details like the date and place.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false.
A report is a brief account of an event that is about to take place.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

State whether true or false:
You should provide an appropriate title/heading for your report.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false:
The reporter's name is often mentioned below the title of the report.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A