Tag: english

Questions Related to english

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. liona

  2. lionine

  3. lioness

  4. she-lion

Correct Option: C

In certain cases, feminine noun is formed by suffixing '-ess' to the masculine noun. The feminine form of lion is formed by suffixing '-ess' to the noun. Option C is correct because the feminine form of lion is lioness.

Options A is incorrect as there is no word such as liona in the English language. 
Option B is incorrect as the word "lionine" (also known as "leonine") is an adjective used to describe lion-like qualities.  

Option D is incorrect. There is no word such as she-lion. It is an incorrect usage.

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. she-sparrow

  2. sparrowline

  3. hen-sparrow

  4. sparrow

Correct Option: C

Options A and B are incorrect as there is no word such as she-sparrow or sparrowline in the English language. 

Option D is incorrect as sparrow is the masculine noun form and not feminine. 
Correct answer is option C. The feminine form of sparrow is hen-sparrow.

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. fiancess

  2. fiancee

  3. fiance

  4. fiancine

Correct Option: B

Options A and D are incorrect as there is no word such as either fiancess or financine in the English language. 

Option C is incorrect as the word-fiance is the male noun form and not the female noun form. 
Correct answer is option B. The feminine form of fiance is fiancee. 

Identify the feminine form of the noun: nephew

  1. she-nephew

  2. nephewess

  3. niece

  4. nephewette

Correct Option: C

Options A, B and D are incorrect as there is no word such as she-nephew or nephewness or nephewette in the English language. 

Correct answer is option C as the feminine form of nephew is niece. 

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. sheep

  2. ewe

  3. sheepess

  4. she-sheep

Correct Option: B

Option A is incorrect as sheep is the masculine noun form and not feminine.

Options C and D are incorrect as there is no word such as sheepess or she-sheep in the English language. 
The feminine form of sheep is ewe. Hence, the correct answer is option B. 

Identify the feminine form of the following noun:

  1. drakess

  2. she-drake

  3. duck

  4. drakenne

Correct Option: C

Options A and D are incorrect as there is no word such as drakess or drakenne in the English language.

Option B is incorrect as she-drake is not the correct usage. The feminine form of drake is duck; Hence, the correct answer is option C. 

Identify the feminine form of the given noun:

  1. foxen

  2. foxenne

  3. foxine

  4. vixen

Correct Option: D

Options A, B and C are incorrect as there is no word such as foxen or foxenne or foxine in the English language. 

Correct answer is option D as the feminine form of fox is vixen.

Identify the feminine form of the noun: wizard

  1. Wizardess

  2. Witch

  3. Wizardette

  4. She-wizard

Correct Option: B

Options A, C and D are incorrect as there is no word such as wizardess or wizardette or she-wizard in the English language. 

Correct answer is option B as the feminine form of wizard is witch.

Identify the feminine form of the word: 


  1. wolfs

  2. she-wolf

  3. wolfine

  4. hen-wolf

Correct Option: B

Options A and C are incorrect as there is no word such as wolfs or wolfine in the English language.  

Option D is incorrect as the word- hen-wolf is an incorrect form. 
The correct feminine form of wolf is she-wolf. Hence, the correct answer is option B.

Identify the feminine form of the noun: horse

  1. she-horse

  2. mare

  3. horess

  4. horsee

Correct Option: B

Options A, C and D are incorrect as there is no word such as she-horse or horess or horsee in the English language. 

Correct answer is option B as the feminine form of horse is mare.