Tag: english

Questions Related to english

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. masteress

  2. mistress

  3. madam

  4. masterlady

Correct Option: B

The feminine form of the word master is mistress. The correct answer is option B. 

The word mistress conveys meaning of a person with authority or control- the same as what the masculine noun master means. The word madam is a polite form of addressing a woman or a lady. Hence, this is not the feminine form of the noun master. Option C is therefore incorrect.
The words-mastererss and masterlady are incorrect usages in English. Hence, options A and D are incorrect.

Identify the noun in neutral gender from the options below:

  1. student

  2. scholar

  3. school

  4. teacher

Correct Option: C

Correct answer is option c: school. This is a noun in neutral gender as it refers neither to masculine nor feminine form.

The other words: student, scholar and teacher are nouns in common gender form as they can refer to both masculine and feminine genders. 

Identify the feminine form of the noun: 


  1. hostine

  2. hostess

  3. hostessa

  4. lady host

Correct Option: B

Options A and C are incorrect as there is no such word such as hostine or hostessa in the English language. 

Option D is incorrect as there is no such word as lady host. It is an incorrect usage. 
The feminine form of host is hostess; Hence, Option B is the correct answer.

Identify the noun which is in neutral gender from the options below:

  1. poet

  2. poem

  3. poetess

  4. pauper

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is option b: poem. This is a noun in neutral gender as it refers  neither to masculine nor feminine form.

The word poet is a masculine noun. Its feminine form is poetess. 
The word pauper is a noun in common gender form as it refers to both masculine and feminine genders.

Identify the feminine form of the noun: benefactor

  1. benefactress

  2. benefactrina

  3. benefactoress

  4. benefactrine

Correct Option: A
A benefactor is a person who gives money to help an organization, a person or the society.
Option A: The feminine form of the noun 'benefactor' is 'benefactress'. Hence option A is correct.
Options B, C and D: The words 'benefactrina', 'benefactoress' and 'benefactrine' do not exist in the English dictionary. Hence these options are incorrect.

Identify the noun in neutral gender from the below options:

  1. pupil

  2. sheep

  3. goose

  4. mountain

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is option d: mountain. This is a noun which refers to neither a male nor a female form. 

The word - pupil is a noun in common gender which can refer to both masculine and feminine genders. 
The words - sheep and goose are masculine nouns. Their feminine forms are:
sheep : ewe
goose: gander

Identify the feminine form of the noun: prince

  1. princine

  2. princess

  3. princetrix

  4. princa

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is option B. The feminine form of prince is princess; other options are incorrect.

Options A, C and D are incorrect as these are incorrect words. There are no such words as princine, princetrix and princa in the English language.

Identify the noun in neutral gender from the options given below:

  1. king

  2. crown

  3. crown prince

  4. prince

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is option b: crown. This is a noun in neutral gender as it refers  neither to masculine nor feminine form.

The other words: king, crown prince and prince are masculine nouns. 

Identify the feminine form of the noun: adminstrator

  1. administratoress

  2. adminstratora

  3. adminstatorina

  4. administratrix

Correct Option: D

Options A, B and C are incorrect because these are incorrect words. There is no word such as adminsitratoress or adminstratora or administatorina in the English language. 

Option D is correct as some masculine nouns ending with -tor are transformed into their feminine counterparts by replacing -tor with -trix. The feminine form of administrator is administratrix.

Identify the noun which is not in neutral gender from the options below:

  1. mountain

  2. street

  3. car

  4. chauffeur 

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is option D: driver. This is a noun in common gender form as it can refer to both masculine and feminine genders. 

The words - mountain, street and car are nouns in neutral gender as they refer neither to masculine nor feminine form.