Tag: ancient civilizations in river valleys

Questions Related to ancient civilizations in river valleys

Mathura was an important _____.

  1. Village

  2. Port

  3. Religious centre

  4. Forested area

Correct Option: C

Mathura has been an important settlement for more than 2500 years. It was important because it was located at the cross roads of two major routes of travel and trade — from the northwest to the east and from north to south. Mathura was also a religious centre — there were Buddhist monasteries, Jaina shrines, and it was an important centre for the worship of Krishna. Mathura was also a center of great artistic craftsmanship and the mathura school of arts produced many famous sculptures.

The ______ temple at Aihole was built about $1400$ years ago.

  1. Kailashnath

  2. Virupaksha

  3. Durga

  4. Ganesha

Correct Option: C

The Durga temple located at Aihole was built about 1400 years ago. Aihole is situated in Karnataka state. The temple was probably built in the late 7th or early 8th century by Chalukyas. The architecture of the Durga temple is mainly Dravida with Nagara style.

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
The Great Bath has been discovered in _______.

  1. Lothal

  2. Harappa

  3. Mohenjodaro

  4. Kalibangan

Correct Option: C

The Great Bath is one of the well-known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjo-daro in Sindh, Pakistan. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Great Bath was built in the 3rd millennium BCE, soon after the raising of the "citadel" mound on which it is located.

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
Most cities had the western part _____ and ______.

  1. smaller, higher

  2. smaller, lower

  3. larger, higher

  4. larger, lower

Correct Option: A

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
Which of these groups of people did not usually live in cities, but the countryside?

  1. rulers

  2. crafts persons

  3. farmers and herders

  4. scribes

Correct Option: C

farmers and herders.

Ring wells were used for _____.

  1. Bathing

  2. Washing clothes

  3. Irrigation

  4. Drainage

Correct Option: D

In many cities, archaeologists have found rows of pots, or ceramic rings arranged one on top of the other. These are known as ring wells. These seem to have been used as toilets in some cases, and as drains and garbage dumps

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
The city of Lothal was situated beside a river which was a tributary of _______________.

  1. Ganga

  2. Sabarmati

  3. Narmada

  4. Kaveri

Correct Option: B

Lothal was one of the southernmost cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, situated near the village of Saragwala in the Dholka Taluka of Ahmedabad district. In length according to satellite imagery an ancient extension of the northern river channel bed of a tributary of the Bhogavo river.

State whether these sentences true (T) or false (F):
Usually, the special building were created in the lower town.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Special buildings were constructed in the upper town. 
The eastern part of the city is known as the Lower Town. The Lower Town is a large area that covers most of the site of Mohenjodaro. Archaeologists believe that most people lived and worked in the Lower Town.

We are not sure about what caused the end of the Harappan civilization.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Many historians do not believe in the Aryan Invasion theory. They believe the main cause of the sudden decline is climate change. Huge climate change or natural calamities might have been a cause of the ruin of Harappan civilization.

These changes in climate led to floods in plains and cities.

This civilization is said to have come to an abrupt end. The following reasons are put forward for its abrupt end: The neighboring desert encroached on the fertile area and made it infertile. Aryan invaders killed people and destroyed the Indus Valley Civilization.

End of the Indus. The Indus Valley civilization began to decline between 1900 and 1800 BCE. Most of the cities disappeared or were abandoned. Archaeologists do not know why this happened.

State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Members of families were usually buried together.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A