Tag: egyptian, mesopotamian, and chinese civilization

Questions Related to egyptian, mesopotamian, and chinese civilization

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
Most cities had the western part _____ and ______.

  1. smaller, higher

  2. smaller, lower

  3. larger, higher

  4. larger, lower

Correct Option: A

Ring wells were used for _____.

  1. Bathing

  2. Washing clothes

  3. Irrigation

  4. Drainage

Correct Option: D

In many cities, archaeologists have found rows of pots, or ceramic rings arranged one on top of the other. These are known as ring wells. These seem to have been used as toilets in some cases, and as drains and garbage dumps

The great bath was found in the great Harappan city of ____________.

  1. Mohenjodaro

  2. Kalibangan

  3. Bhrigukaccha

  4. Harappa

Correct Option: A

Great Bath is an ancient structure at Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan. The Great Bath dates to the 3rd millennium BCE and is believed to have been used for ritual bathing. Hence, Option A is correct.

Which of the following were among the objects of terracotta fashioned by the Harrapans?
1. Bullal 
2. Toys 
3. Votive animals 
4. Axe heads 
5. Human forms 
6. Pipal leaves

  1. 1, 2 & 4

  2. 4, 5 & 6

  3. 2, 3 & 5

  4. 3, 4 & 6

Correct Option: C

The great bath of Mahanjodaro was built from ____________.

  1. Dry bricks

  2. Mud

  3. Stone

  4. Burnt bricks

Correct Option: D

More than a thousand settlements are now known from the Indus valley civilization. The civilization is known to have had a unity of culture, art, script, and technology. The largest city, Mohenjo Daro is thought to have reached a population of approximately 30,000, suggesting a total population of approximately 5 million people. Sun-dried bricks were used for infill, and burnt bricks were used for the drain and sewer linings. It would seem that a standard brick size was developed and used throughout the Indus cities.

The main entrance of the houses in Mohenjo-Daro opened  _________.

  1. In the side lane

  2. On the main road

  3. In the jungle

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

One of the most noteworthy characteristics of Mohen-jo-Daro was that the main entrance of the houses opened in the side lane instead of opening to the main road. This was aimed at keeping the interiors dust free and also to provide greater privacy to the inhabitants. 

Why the houses in Mohenjo-Daro were built on high plinth?

  1. To protect them from dampness or floods

  2. To protect them from earthquakes

  3. To protect them from tsunami

  4. To protect them from cyclones

Correct Option: A

The Indus valley cities faced a serious threat from annual floods. To overcome this threat Mohenjo-Daro had nine levels of occupation towering over 300 feet above the present flood plain. Excavations reveal that the city was flooded more than seven times. So the houses were built on high plinth.

Among all the towns of Harappan civilization, ____________ had the best town planning.

  1. Dholavira

  2. Mohenjodaro

  3. Banwali

  4. Harappa

Correct Option: B

The meaning of the word Mohenjo-Daro is 'Mound of the dead'. It is a well planned and organized town. It has two very important buildings; The great Bath and the Great Granary. The Great Bath was perhaps used for ritualistic purposes. Located at the center of the citadel, it is remarkable for beautiful brickwork. The Great Granary, which was perhaps the largest building of the Indus Valley Civilization suggests extreme centralization as the ruling authorities must have first brought the agricultural produce here and then redistributed it.