Tag: time period, frequency and amplitude of sound

Questions Related to time period, frequency and amplitude of sound

Sound waves in the air don't show ______?

  1. Polarisation

  2. Diffraction

  3. Refraction

  4. Rreflection

Correct Option: A

Answer is A.

Sound waves in air travel parallel to the direction that the particles within it oscillate it (definition of a longitudinal wave) - it propagates in 1 dimensional direction. Transverse waves have 2 components (and electric E component, and a magnetic M component). these components propagate at right angles to each other (i.e. it travels in two dimensions). Therefore it is possible to polarize transverse waves. 
Sound waves can be polarized in special conditions.In a solid medium, sound waves can be transverse waves, and in this scenario, the polarization is associated with the direction of the shear stress in the plane perpendicular to the propagation direction.
Hence, Sound waves in air do not show polarization.

Sound is a form of energy. True or false.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Sound is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal (compression or rarefaction) waves. Sound is produced when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate. That is, the energy is transferred through the substance in a wave. So, sound is a form of energy.

Characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish between two sound of same loudness and pitch :

  1. quality

  2. timbre

  3. amplitude

  4. a and b

Correct Option: D

 Quality is that characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish between two sounds from two sources , even of the same frequency (pitch) and loudness . Quality is also called timbre . So option a and b are correct .

Sound is

  1. 1-D wave

  2. 2-D wave

  3. 3-D wave

  4. none

Correct Option: C

Sound energy is transferred in space in all directions. So it is a 3-D wave. Light waves are 3-D wave.

Sound wave can be described graphically by

  1. velocity displacement graph

  2. displacement time graph

  3. density distance graph

  4. amplitude velocity graph

Correct Option: C

A longitudinal wave, eg., Sound wave can be described by a density-distance graph. In density time graph, particle density of the medium is plotted on y axis where as time on the x axis

In density time graph

  1. particle density of the medium is plotted on y axis where as time on the x axis

  2. time on the y axis, particle density on x axis

  3. both a and b can be done interchangeably

  4. can't be plotted 

Correct Option: A

The density time graph for a longitudinal wave is drawn by plotting the particle density on the medium at any point on the wave on the y axis against time on the x axis.

In wave motion particles of the medium

  1. move from one place to another

  2. do not move from one place to another

  3. vibrate about their mean positions

  4. vibrate away from their mean position

Correct Option: C

When a wave passes through a medium, the particles of the medium vibrate according to the wave about the mean positions.

During a wave motion 

  1. no transfer of matter occurrs through the medium

  2. energy is transferred from one part of the medium to another

  3. both a and b occurs

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

During a wave motion only energy is transferred no transfer of matter occurs through the medium. Only vibrations travels not the air.

Sound wave is a

  1. Mechanical wave

  2. Non mechanical wave

  3. Progressive wave

  4. a and c

Correct Option: D

On the basis of necessity of medium, sound is a mechanical wave, because it needs a material medium for its transmission and on the basis of energy propagation, it is a progressive wave.

Peak of the density/Pressure - distance curve represent

  1. maximum rarefaction

  2. maximum compression

  3. minimum compression

  4. minimum rarefaction

Correct Option: B

The peak represents the region of maximum compression. Thus, compressions are the regions where pressure/density is high.