Tag: phanerogams

Questions Related to phanerogams

Which of the following has seed with a covering?

  1. Dicots

  2. Angiosperms

  3. Gymnosperms

  4. Monocots

Correct Option: B

Which of the following pairs produces spores and seeds respectively?

  1. Monocot and dicot

  2. Algae and fungi

  3. Mosses and ferns

  4. Ferns and gymnosperms

  5. Gymnosperms and angiosperms

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is not a characteristic of gymnosperms?

  1. Seed plants

  2. Predominantly diploid

  3. to flower

  4. Conifers

  5. Naked seed plants

Correct Option: C

Which group of plants bear flowers?

  1. Pteridophytes

  2. Angiosperms

  3. Gymnosperms

  4. Bryophytes

Correct Option: B

Angiosperms or flowering plants include all those plants in which seeds are enclosed in the fruits. An ovule is well developed in angiosperms. Thus option B is the correct answer.

Vessels and companion cells are characteristics of

  1. Angiosperm

  2. Gymnosperm

  3. Pteridophyta

  4. Fern

Correct Option: A

A xylem vessel is a characteristic feature of an angiosperm and help in transportation of water. When it comes to transportation of food, it is the phloem that transports food materials from the leaves to the other parts. Sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma are the different components of the phloem. The sieve tube elements are arranged longitudinally with the companion cells and the pressure gradient in them is maintained by the companion cells

So, the correct answer is 'Angiosperm'

Vessels are found in

  1. All pteridophyta

  2. All angiosperms

  3. Some gymnosperms

  4. Both (B) and (C)

Correct Option: D

Vessels are present in most of the angiosperms and also in certain lower plants like Gnetum, Marsilea and Selaginella. Tracheids are found in pteridophytes, most of the gymnosperms and a few angiosperms.
Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Naked seeds are present in 

  1. Angiosperms

  2. Gymnosperms

  3. Spermatophyta

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The smallest angiosperm is

  1. Mistletoe

  2. Rafflesia

  3. Wolfiella

  4. Wolffia

Correct Option: D

A. Mistletoe is a common name for obligate hemiparasitic plants of order santalales. For example, Viscum species etc. It grows as tangled stem mass which can be upto 5 feet.

B. Rafflesia bears the largest flowers in the plant kingdom.
C. Wolfiella is a small aquatic angiosperm which is around 10 mm.
D. Wolffia is the smallest angiosperm which is less than 2 mm in measurement.
So, the correct answer is 'Wolffia'.

Fruit bearing plants are

  1. Gymnosperms

  2. Dicotyledons

  3. Angiosperms

  4. Spermatophytes

Correct Option: C

Angiosperms are fruit-bearing plants because angiosperms are vascular seed plants in which the ovule (egg) is fertilized and develops into a seed in an enclosed hollow ovary. The ovary itself is usually enclosed in a flower, which after fertilization turns into fruit.

So, the correct option is C.

Liana is a

  1. Herb

  2. Shrub

  3. Tree

  4. Vine

Correct Option: D

A. Herbs are plants with short and pliable stems. For example, rice.

B. Shrubs are plants with a persistent, woody, short or medium stem. For example, lemon.
C. Trees are plants with long, erect, woody stems. For example, mango.
D. Vines are plants with the growth habit of climbing or trailing stems. example: Liana.
So, the correct answer is 'Vine'.