Tag: pictorial feature of plant kingdom

Questions Related to pictorial feature of plant kingdom

Read the following five statements (A - E) and answer as asked next to them.
(A) In Equisetum the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte
(B) In Ginkgo male gametophyte is not independent
(C) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than that in Polytrichum
(D) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous
(E) The spores of slime molds lack cell walls
How many of the above statements are correct ?

  1. Three

  2. Four

  3. One

  4. Two

Correct Option: C
The spore of Equisetum germinate shortly after shedding and gives rise to form prothallus. Prothalli of Equisetum are basically monoecious and the gametophytes are rarely seen. The simplest known sporophyte among bryophytes is that of Riccia while highest evolved known is Bryopsida (Polytrichum, Pdgonatum). Sexual reproduction in Volvox is oogamous type. The spores in slime molds (e.g., Physarum) are haploid, unicellular, usually globose with smooth, spiny or reticulately thickened cell walls.

So, the correct answer is 'One'.

A gymnosperm having vessels is

  1. Cedrus

  2. Gnetum

  3. Cycas

  4. Pinus

Correct Option: B

Which well-known tree is known in Britain as Wellingtonia?

  1. Elm

  2. Oak

  3. Giant sequoia

  4. Poplar

Correct Option: C

Sequoiadendron giganteum is the sole living species in the genus Sequoiadendron. Giant sequoia specimens are the most massive trees on Earth.The name "Wellingtonia" has persisted in England as a common name, also known as giant redwood, sierra redwood, sierran redwoodWellingtonia  or simply big tree.

So, the correct option is C. ( giant sequoia )

Gymnosperm with mycorrhiza is present in

  1. Cycas

  2. Casuarina

  3. Pinus

  4. Cedrus

Correct Option: C

Roots in some genera of gymnosperms have fungal associations in form of mycorrhiza which is associated with N$ _2$ fixing cyanobacteria. For example, pinus.

So, the correct answer is 'Pinus'.

Both conifers and Cycas have?

  1. Motile sperms

  2. Non-motile sperms

  3. Motile & non-motile sperms respectively

  4. Non motile & motile sperms respectively

Correct Option: D

  • Conifers have non-motile sperm that needs to be moved along the pollen tube.
  • Cycads have motile sperm with flagella (they have multiple flagella) that help them move to the egg along the pollen tube.
So, the correct option is 'Non-motile & motile sperms respectively'.

In gymnosperms pollination is exclusively by?

  1. Animals

  2. Wind

  3. Water

  4. Insects

Correct Option: A

Progymnosperms were evolved in?

  1. Ordovician period

  2. Silurian period

  3. Devonian period

  4. Carboniferous period

Correct Option: A

Conifers are related to

  1. Match industry

  2. Paper industry

  3. Timber industry

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The wood of several Gymnosperms, particularly those of conifers is used in paper industry. Conifers wood is used as a structural timber and for making furniture.

Conifer gymnosperm, amongst the following is

  1. Gnetum

  2. Sequoia

  3. Cycas

  4. Ginko

Correct Option: B

Sequoia is the largest species on the planet. It belongs to the family Cupressaceae of Coniferales.

Conifer gymnosperms can never be____________.

  1. Vines

  2. Herbs

  3. Annuals

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Conifers that belong to the largest and the economically most important component group of the gymnosperms and are known to consists of both living and fossil taxa. Represented by a number of species, the stems of conifers are composed of a woody axis containing primitive water- and mineral-conducting cells- tracheids. All living conifers are woody plants, and mostly evergreen trees, with a monopodial growth form.