Tag: ecosystems

Questions Related to ecosystems

Ecosystem creates

  1. Food chains and food web

  2. Food web

  3. Habitats

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

An ecosystem is made up of living and nonliving things. Living things include plants, animals. Nonliving things include air, water. It creates food chains and food web. A food chain is series of plants/animals which are interrelated in the form of organism being eaten as food by the other. plants are producers. The animals eating plants are called as primary consumers and animals eating primary consumers are called as secondary consumers. Decomposers are those which decomposes the waster organic matter. Food web is various interlinked food chains in a community.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Food chains and food web.'

Importance of ecosystem lies in

  1. Cycling opmaterials

  2. Flow of energy

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Ecosystem is made up of living and nonliving things. Living things include plants and animals. Nonliving things includes air, water, land.  It is composed of organisms interacting within communities. The importance of ecosystem lies in both cycling of minerals and flow of energy. It contributes to the cycling of minerals and flow of energy.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Both A and B.'

According to Robert Constanza, 50% of the total cost of ecosystem services goes to

  1. Climate regulation

  2. Soil formation

  3. Recreation

  4. Nutrient cycling

Correct Option: B

Robert Constanza gave price tags to ecosystem services. According to him, soil formation accounts for 50% of the ecosystem service. It is the most important ecosystem service. The other ecosystem services include purify water and air, mitigate droughts and floods, nutrient cycling, habitat for wild life.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Soil formation.'

Which one is included under ecosystem services?

  1. Protection of soil

  2. Conservation and purification of water

  3. Climate control

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The benefits which we obtain from the regulation of ecosystem processes such as climate regulation, natural hazard regulation, water purification, and waste management, pollination or pest control are known as Ecosystem services. Agroecosystems, forest ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, and aquatic ecosystems are included under these ecosystems. These are also known as regulating services. Examples include Climate regulation, Waste treatment, and disease regulation. 

So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.

According to Robert Constanza, 50% of the total cost for ecosystem services goes to

  1. Recreation

  2. Soil formation

  3. Nutrient cycling

  4. Climate regulation

  5. Habitat for wildlife

Correct Option: B
Robert Constanza and his colleagues have very recently tried to put price tags on nature’s life-support services. Researchers have put an average price tag of US $ 33 trillion a year on these fundamental ecosystems services, which are largely taken for granted because they are free. Out of the total cost of various ecosystem services, the soil formation accounts for about 50 per cent, and contributions of other services like recreation and nutrient cycling, are less than 10 per cent each. The cost of climate regulation and habitat for wildlife are about 6 per cent each.
So, the correct answer is 'Soil formation'.

Multiple choice type.
The term "ecosystem" is derived from the Greek word "Oikos" meaning.

  1. Body weight

  2. Food

  3. House

  4. Size

Correct Option: A

Free services provided to humans by ecosystems include

  1. control of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.

  2. prevention of soil erosion.

  3. filtering of pollutants from water and air.

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D
Ecosystem services are the products of ecosystem processes. These services include conditions and processes by which the species are able to survive and sustain their life. 
  • Trees control atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration because they take up carbon dioxide and perform photosynthesis through which they release oxygen in the atmosphere. Hence, quality of air is maintained by ecosystems.
  • The roots of plants held the soil particles tightly which prevent soil erosion.
  • Plants filter out pollutants from water and air by trapping pollutants. They absorb pollutants from air and water in their tissues. 
Hence, all the statements given in the question are correct.
So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.

Thermal belts are usually found

  1. On valley floors

  2. On hillsides

  3. On mountain tops

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

System involved in interconnection of living and non-living organisms is known as

  1. Biosphere

  2. Ecosystem

  3. Hydrosphere

  4. Atmosphere

Correct Option: B

What does an ecosystems depend on?

  1. Solar Energy

  2. Consumers

  3. Producers

  4. Food chain

Correct Option: A