Tag: south america

Questions Related to south america

Best quality of wool is drawn from the Angora goats found in ________.

  1. USA

  2. Egypt

  3. Turkey

  4. A&C

Correct Option: D

The grasslands of North America are called ______.

  1. Pampas

  2. Prairies

  3. Downs

  4. Steppes

Correct Option: B

In Europe and Asia, temperate grasslands are called steppes. In South America grasslands are called pampas. In North America temperate grasslands are called prairies.

Downs, are  rounded and grass-covered hills in southern England that are typically composed of chalk. The name comes from the Old English dūn (“hill”). ... Chalk hills of similar type are called Wolds in Lincolnshire and in Yorkshire.

Tick the correct answer:
Toucans are a type of _____________.

  1. Birds

  2. Animals

  3. Crops

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Ramphastos is a genus of large neotropical Piciform birds within the family Ramphastidae commonly known as toucans. 

Tick the correct answer:
Manioc is the staple food of ___________.

  1. Ganga Basin

  2. Africa

  3. Amazon

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C
Manioc is the staple food of Amazon.
It is also known as the cassava which grows under the ground like the potato.

In the Savanna lands tin and coal are mined in ________.

  1. Venezuela

  2. Jamaica

  3. Zaire

  4. Nigeria

Correct Option: A