Tag: vedic mathematics

Questions Related to vedic mathematics

Identify the correct representation of the square of the number $95$ using Vedic Mathematics.

  1. $(95 \times 10)5$

  2. $(9 \times 9)25$

  3. $(9 \times 10)125$

  4. $(9 \times 10)25$

Correct Option: D

$\underset { +5 }{ 95 }  \times \underset { +5 }{  95 } $                                                          Using base 10
                                                                       $9 = 9 \times  base$
Mutiply $5$ with $5 = 25$

Add $5$ to $95 = 100$

Multiply 9 to sum  $= 9\times 100 = 900$

 Take first 2 digits $= 90 = 9\times 10$
Last 2 digits $= 25$

$\therefore $   ${95 }^{ 2 } = (9\times 10)25$

When multiplied by itself, which number is equal to $12,345, 678, 987, 654, 321$?

  1. $1,111,111$

  2. $111,111,111$

  3. $11,111,111,111$

  4. $111,111,111,111$

Correct Option: B
$(111, 111, 111)^2=12345678987654321$
Here we can show a pattern for each count of $1$ in $LHS$ is extended the number from $1$ to that Number and reverse that number to the $1$ in $RHS$

Square of $512$ by Ishta Sankhya method is?

  1. $262911$

  2. $365788$

  3. $262144$

  4. $356458$

Correct Option: C

Ishta number $=12$

Now finding the square
$=(512-12)(512+12)+{ (12) }^{ 2 }\ =500\times 524+144\ =262000+144\ =262144$
So option $C$ is correct.

Square of a $5$4 by Upsutra Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method is?

  1. $2686$

  2. $5656$

  3. $6966$

  4. $2916$

Correct Option: D

To find the square of $54$,

This is closer to $100$ (base of 10). Write it as $100-46$.

From this method, we can write,

$\dfrac{(54-46)}{46^2}$  i.e., $\dfrac{Number-deficiency}{deficiency^2}$


As we are using base $100$, digits in hundred's place and above is carry forwarded. Add $21$ to $8$.

ie., $(21+8)16=2916$

$2916$ is the square of $54$.

Square of 78 by Ishta Sankhya is?

  1. 6084

  2. 7084

  3. 2164

  4. 4524

Correct Option: A

Ishta number $=8$

Now finding the square
$=70\times 86+64$
So option $A$ is correct.

What will be the value of $x$ if we have to find the square of number $93$ by Upsutra Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method

  1. $3$

  2. $4$

  3. $7$

  4. $10$

Correct Option: C



Say True or False
To find square of number by Sutra Ekadhikena Purvena method, the number should end with $5$.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

We can find the square of the number which is ending with 5, using Ekadhikena purvena method.

To find the square of number by  Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method the number should be closer to the power of  $10$

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The condition for using Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method- Numbers need to be close to the power of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc).

State the following statement is True or False
We can find the square of number $43$ by Upsutra Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The condition for using Yavadunam Tavadunam Vargecha Yojayet method- Numbers need to be close to the power of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc).

Square of $63$ by Sutra Urdhva-tiryagbhyam method is :

  1. $8529$

  2. $4569$

  3. $3969$

  4. $5479$

Correct Option: C

To find the square of $63$

$63 \ \times \ 63$

3 steps are there to solve this.

(i)  Multiply the unit digits
 $3 \times 3=9$

(ii) Take the units and tens digit to cross multiply and add the products

Keep $6$ intact and carry forward $3$ to next step.

(iii) Multiply the tens digits

Add the carry forward $3$ to $36$.

Write the numbers obtained from step (iii) to (i) in order.
i.e., $3969$

This the square of $63$ is $3969$.