Tag: the establishment of east india company

Questions Related to the establishment of east india company

Who died fighting the British during the last Mysore War?

  1. Tipu Sultan

  2. Haider Ali

  3. Siraj- ud daulah

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The Anglo-Mysore was the conflict in South India between British East India Company and the Kingdom of Mysore. They fought four wars and in the last,  Fourth Anglo-Mysore war the ruler Tipu Sultan was killed and the British captured the capital of Mysore.

The treaty of Srirangapatnam was signed between TipuSultan and __________.

  1. Clive

  2. Darhousie

  3. Cornwallis

  4. Wellesley

Correct Option: C

The Threatry of Seringapatam was the result of Third Anglo-Mysore War. It was signed on 18th March 1792, which ended the Third Anglo-Mysore war. Mainly it was signed between  British East India Company and Kingdom of Mysore. It signatories included Lord Cornwallis on behalf of the British East India Company, representative of the Nizam of Hydrebad and the Maratha Empire and the ruler of Mysore Tipu Sultan.

___________ was signed after the First Anglo-Mysore War.

  1. The Treaty of Allahabad

  2. The Treaty of Salbai

  3. The Treaty of Madras

  4. The Treaty of Srirangapatnam

Correct Option: C
First Anglo-Mysore War which lasted from 1766 to 1769 was a conflict in India between the Sultanate of Mysore and the East India Company. The war ended with Treaty of Madras which was signed in April 1769.  As per the treaty:
  • Both the Parties returned the areas won by each other.
  • British & Hyder Ali promised that they would support each other if there is any foreign invasion.

Name the French Governor during the Third Carnatic War.

  1. La Bourdonnais

  2. Dupleix

  3. Colbert

  4. Count-de-Lally

Correct Option: D

The Third Carnatic war was an end to the French ambitions to create a colonial empire in India. The French forces in the south were led by Conte De Lally.

When was the English East India Company established?

  1. 1600

  2. 1604

  3. 1616

  4. 1664

Correct Option: A

The English East India Company was formed in 1600 and received Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600. It was established to pursue trade in Indian Subcontinent.

The treaty that ended the Second Carnatic War was _____.

  1. Treaty of Madras

  2. Treaty of Mangalore

  3. Treaty of Srirangapatna

  4. Treaty of Pondicherry

Correct Option: D

The Treaty of Pondicherry was signed in 1754 bringing an end to the Second Carnatic War. It was agreed and signed in the French settlement of Puducherry in French India. By this treaty both the sides agreed not to interfere in the internal affairs of the princely states and returned each other's territories captured during the war. 

Name the French Governor during the First Carnatic War.

  1. Bussy

  2. Count-de-Lally

  3. Robert Clive

  4. Dupleix

Correct Option: D

Joseph François Dupleix was appointed as  Governor-General of the French East India Company, who pursued an aggresive policy towards the English. He led the French during the First Carnatic War.

Name the famous war fought in India between the French and the English.

  1. The Battle of Armada

  2. The Battle of Panipat

  3. The Carnatic Wars

  4. The Mysore Wars

Correct Option: C

The Carnatic Wars were a series of military conflicts in the middle of the 18th century in India. The conflicts involved numerous nominally independent rulers and their vassals, struggles for succession and territory, and included a diplomatic and military struggle between the French East India Company and the British East India Company. They were mainly fought on the territories in India which were dominated by the Nizam of Hyderabad up to the Godavari delta. As a result of these military contests, the British East India Company established its dominance among the European trading companies within India. The French company was pushed to a corner and was confined primarily to Pondichéry. The East India company's dominance eventually led to control by the British Company over most of India and eventually to the establishment of the British Raj.

Name the treaty signed after first Carnatic war.

  1. Treaty of Paris

  2. Treaty of Madras

  3. Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle

  4. Treaty of Mangalore

Correct Option: C

With the termination of the War of Austrian Succession in Europe, the First Carnatic War also came to an end. In the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), Madras was given back to the British in exchange for the French fortress of Louisbourg in North America, which the British had captured.

The Third Carnatic War was fought in India because of_____.

  1. the Seven Years' war that broke out in Europe between French and the English

  2. the Austrian succession issue

  3. the war of succession between Chanda Sahib and Anwaruddin to the throne of Camatic

  4. the war of succession between Nazir jung and Mussafar jung

Correct Option: A

The outbreak of the Seven Years' War in Europe in 1756 resulted in renewed conflict between French and British forces in India. The Third Carnatic War put an end to the French ambitions to create a colonial empire in India.The British forces defeated the French in the Battle of Wandiwash in 1760.