Tag: rules are for everyone

Questions Related to rules are for everyone

The narrowly utilitarian arguments for biodiversity conservation include which of the following from the given list?
(i) Industrial products like dyes, lubricants
(ii) Ecosystem services like photosynthesis
(iii) Pollinators layer of bees, birds and bats
(iv) Firewood, fibre and construction material 
(v) The aesthetic pleasure of walking through thick woods 
(vi) Products of medicinal importance
(vii) Watching spring flowers in full bloom

  1. (i), (ii), (v) and (vii)

  2. (ii), (iii), (v) and (vii)

  3. (i), (iv) and (vi)

  4. (iii), (v), (vi) and (vii)

Correct Option: C
The narrowly utilitarian arguments for conserving biodiversity are
obvious; humans derive countless direct economic benefits from nature food (cereals, pulses, fruits), firewood, fibre, construction material,
industrial products (tannins, lubricants, dyes, resins, perfumes ) and
products of medicinal importance. More than 25 per cent of the drugs
currently sold in the market worldwide are derived from plants and 25,000
species of plants contribute to the traditional medicines used by native
peoples around the world. Nobody knows how many more medicinally
useful plants there are in tropical rain forests waiting to be explored.
With increasing resources put into ‘bioprospecting’ (exploring molecular,
genetic and species-level diversity for products of economic importance),
nations endowed with rich biodiversity can expect to reap enormous
So the correct option is '(i), (iv) and (vi)'.

Rivet popper hypothesis was given by

  1. Paul Ehrlich

  2. Alexander von Humboldt

  3. David Tilman

  4. Robert May.

Correct Option: A

It is a theory that entails about the conditions of ecosystem wherein a significant loss of a certain species affects the functions and diversity of an ecological community. This hypothesis was given by Paul Ehrlich who used an airplane to explain ecosystem and the passengers as the rivet in the ecosystem. If certain biological areas lose several important species it can lead to a total collapse of ecosystem functions, thus this hypothesis presupposed that communities consist of relatively specialized species with limited ability to compensate each other thereby the vanished of a certain species are important to the performance of the ecosystem. The rate of species loss affects the entire function of ecological unit.  Rivet hypothesis asserts that each species losses to an ecological unit can decrease ecosystem functions although the decrease is rather slow as more species are eliminated. In this depiction any loss of diversity is clearly noticeable. 

So the correct option is 'Paul Ehrlich'.

Which of the following is true about conservation and preservation?
I. Protects the ecosystem from destruction
II. Prevents the depletion of natural resources.
III. Maintains the population of endangered plants and animal species.

  1. I only

  2. I and II only

  3. II and III only

  4. I, II and III

Correct Option: D
Conservation is the sustainable use and management of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Preservation is the strict keeping aside of natural resources so as to prevent the use or contact of resources by humans or by human intervention. 
Conservation ensures that resources are not consumed faster than they can be replaced. It also ensures that  sufficient quantities are maintained for future generations to utilise. Thus, it is involved in preventing the depletion of natural resources. The main purpose of conservation and preservation is to protect the ecosystem from destruction due to increased use of or consumption of resources. Conservation is also carried out to protect plant and animal species from being extinct. It maintains the population of endangered species by protecting and restoring the habitats and maintaining the essential ecological processes and life-support systems. 
Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Rivet popper hypothesis was given by

  1. Paul Ehrlich

  2. Tansley

  3. E.P. Odum

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Rivet hypothesis was given by Paul Ehrlich. It states that loss of many species in an ecological unit decreases ecosystem functioning. 

So, the correct answer is 'Paul Ehrlich'

The Wildlife Protection Act was introduced in 

  1. 1972

  2. 1981

  3. 1986

  4. 1991

Correct Option: A

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Act enacted for protection of plants and animal species.

World wild life week is

  1. First week of September

  2. First week of October

  3. Third week of October

  4. Last week of October

Correct Option: B

World wild life week is celebrated on October - 2nd to 8th. It is celebrated to  protect the fauna. It was started in 1952 with some major steps in order to protect the Indian wild life  and enrich the diversity in the fauna. Indian Board of Wild Life was a regulatory body set up by the Indian government to spread awareness for wild life preservation.

Wildlife conservation means the protection and preservation of

  1. Ferocious wild animals only

  2. Wild plants only

  3. Non-cultivated plants and non-domesticated animals

  4. All the above living in natural habitat

Correct Option: D
Wildlife conservation is the strategy to protect wild plant and animal species and their habitats. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that nature will be maintained for next generations and also to recognise the importance of wildlife
So, the correct answer is 'All the above living in natural habitat'

American water plant that has become a troublesome water weed in India is

  1. Cyperus rotundus

  2. Eichhornia crassipes

  3. Typha latifolia

  4. Trapa bispinosa

Correct Option: B

Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin. It is often considered a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range. When not controlled, water hyacinth will cover lakes and ponds entirely; this dramatically impacts water flow, blocks sunlight from reaching native aquatic plants, and starves the water of oxygen, often killing fish and other aquatic animals. Hence option B is correct.

Evil quartet is related to

  1. Loss of biodiversity

  2. Loss of alien species

  3. Loss of standing crop

  4. Loss of climax community

Correct Option: A
Jarod Diamond in 1984 listed four principal mechanisms for the loss of biodiversity. It was known as the 'Evil quartet'. It was also known as ‘four horsemen of the ecological apocalypse. The four mechanisms were:-
a) overhunting (or overexploitation),
b) introduced species,
c) habitat destruction and
d) chains of linked extinctions (trophic cascades, or co-extinctions).
So, the correct answer is 'Loss of biodiversity'.

Extinction is caused by ............

  1. Deforestation

  2. Over-exploitation of animals

  3. The destruction of aquatic habitats by pollution

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Extinction means a group of species, family or larger group that have no living member. The extinction can be caused due to various factors such as deforestation (cutting down of trees), Over exploitation of organisms for human good, or by the destruction of the natural habitat or organism. 

So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.