Tag: rules are for everyone

Questions Related to rules are for everyone

All of the following are included in 'Ex-situ conservation' except.

  1. Wildlife safari parks

  2. Sacred groves

  3. Botanical gardens

  4. Seed banks

Correct Option: A

Ex-situ conservation is the conservation and maintenance of samples of living organisms outside their natural habitat, in the form of whole plants, seed, pollen, vegetative propagules, tissue or cell cultures. These ex situ collections of living organisms (living collections, seed banks, pollen, vegetative propagules, tissue or cell cultures) need to be managed according to strict scientific and horticultural standards to maximize their value for conservation purposes. Thus they need to be correctly identified, documented and managed and an efficient information management system put in place. Integrated conservation management can also ensure that ex situ collections can support in situ conservation, through habitat restoration and species recovery. 

So the correct option is 'Wildlife safari parks'.

Which of the following are related to the board utilization arguments of conserving biodiversity?

  1. Plants as the source of medicines

  2. Trees used for firewood

  3. Pollination in plants

  4. It is the source of industrial products

Correct Option: A

Organism living in cold areas have shorter extremities than the organisms of warm area. It states

  1. Graubaer's law

  2. Dollo's law

  3. Allen's law

  4. Bergman's law

Correct Option: C

The climatic conditions in a particular area regulate the  physiological and the morphological characteristics of plants or animals. Allen's rule is a biological rule by Joel Asaph Allen in 1877. It states that the organism adjusts in the given climatic conditions by either minimizing exposed surface area to minimize heat loss in cold climates or maximizing exposed surface area to maximize heat loss in hot climates. The rule predicts that endotherms from hot climates usually have ears, tails, limbs, snouts, etc that are long and thin, while equivalent animals from cold climates usually have shorter and thicker versions of those body parts. 

Allen's rule predicts that endothermic animals with the same body volume should have different surface areas that will either aid or impede their heat dissipation.

The protection of animal species is important, because they are 

  1. Lovely creatures

  2. Useful to humans as part of ecosystem

  3. To be studied by zoologists

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Protection of animal species is important, because they are useful for humans as a part of ecosystem. They play a significant role in food web also. Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. Among the goals of wildlife conservation are to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and to recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness lands to humans. Wildlife conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of human activity on wildlife. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

'Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute' is situated at

  1. Jaipur

  2. Nagpur

  3. Bihar

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

'The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute' (NEERI), Nagpur was established in 1958 as 'Central Public Health Engineering', when environmental concerns were limited to human health. Shrimati Indira Gandhi, gave new name to the Institute as 'National Environmental Engineering Research Institute' in the year 1974.

Which of the following is considered poor man's timber?

  1. Mango wood

  2. Bamboo

  3. Acacia wood

  4. Ecalyptus wood

Correct Option: B

Bamboo is commonly called as the poor man's timber because it is used in all aspects of life. Bamboo is also an icon of versatility. It forms part of the paper we use every day and of the houses we build. By virtue of its unique properties like quick growth, tensile strength, availability and renewability, it has the epithet of 'poor man's timber'.

Wild Life of nature is renamed as

  1. World Wild Life conservation of nature

  2. World Wild Life of nature

  3. World Wild Fauna

  4. World Wild Life Fund

Correct Option: D

The wildlife is a valuable resource of our country which needs to be protected from the threats imposed by human activities. Several regulatory bodies have laid certain formulations to protect them. The 'World Wide Fund for Nature' (WWF)  deals with the issues regarding the conservation, research, and restoration of the environment. It is an international non-governmental organization founded on April 29, 1961, and isIt was formerly named the 'World Wildlife Fund', which remains its official name in Canada and the United States. It is the world's largest conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries, supporting around 1,300 conservation and environmental projects. 

The country which hosted the first World Earth Summit on conservation of environment is 

  1. India

  2. Brazil

  3. Peru

  4. Spain

Correct Option: B

From 3 - 14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil hosted the 'United Nations Conference on Environment and Development' (UNCED). The focus of this conference was the state of the global environment and the relationship between economics, science and the environment in a political context. The conference concluded with the 'Earth Summit', at which leaders of 105 nations gathered to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development. 

When is the 'World Wild Life Week' observed?

  1. First week of September

  2. Last week of September

  3. Third week of October

  4. Last week of October

  5. First week of October

Correct Option: E

In order to arouse a general awakening in the common man in favour of protection of wildlife, the 'Indian Board of Wild Life' (IBWL) decided to observe the 'Wildlife Week' and since then from October 2 - 8 every year organize different activities related to wildlife conservattion to commemorate this week. 

Every year around this time (October 2 to 8) governments, environmentalists, activists, educators organize different activities to accelerate the awareness of wildlife conservation among people. 
India, being a mega-storehouse of various species, is also able to manage several conferences, awareness programmes, and public meetings among the nature lovers. Schools and educational institutions organize events such as wildlife related movie screening, painting competition/essay writing/ debate competition for young children with wild life as the theme. 

The best way to conserve our water resources is

  1. Rain water harvesting

  2. Sustainable water utilization

  3. Encouragement of natural regeneration of vegetation

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Human activities like deforestation, pollution, global warming etc is  a major threat to the natural resources.The scarcity of water is  a common problem nowadays which needs serious attempts.Rainwater harvesting is the method of conservation of rainwater by reusing the stored water for several domestic purposes. The rainwater is collected from various hard surfaces such as rooftops and or other man-made above ground hard surfaces.

Sustainable water utilization is the vision of the management of natural resources like water and its proper utilization.
Encouragement of natural regeneration of vegetation is also one of the methods to conserve water resource. It will usually encourage species, that are already plentiful in the area and will ensure the vegetation is directly suited to the site. As all of the above are ways to conserve our water resources. 
So, the correct answer is option D.