Tag: rules are for everyone

Questions Related to rules are for everyone

___________ is one of the causes of soil pollution:

  1. Dumping of plastic

  2. Dumping of harmful chemical wastes

  3. Industrial effluents

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Introduction of an undesired component in the natural ecosystem is called as pollution. Wastes like plastic, chemicals, industrial effluents etc., causes damage to the natural micro flora of soil. Due to this soil pollution is lead.

Which amongst the following is one of the effects of soil pollution?

  1. Minimata disease

  2. Lead poisioning

  3. Bio-accumulation

  4. Higher growth yield

Correct Option: C

Presence of unwanted contaminant in soil is called soil contamination. The deposition of pesticides on fruits and vegetables lead to its accumulation in fatty tissues of the host. This phenomenon is called bio accumulation.

The pesticides need to be replaced because these 

  1. are very costly

  2. cannot be stored for a long time

  3. are mostly toxic and non-biodegradable

  4. cause abnormalities in, the target population.

Correct Option: C

The toxicity of pesticides is affecting the human health due to excessive accumulation of the pesticides in the food. Pesticides mixed with water are non-biodegrable in nature, due to which various water borne diseases are occurring in humans. 

Following are the human activities that increase soil erosion except

  1. The tillage of agricultural lands

  2. Deforestation

  3. Roads and urbanization

  4. Planting on slopes

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Overgrazing, over cropping and or deforestation can lead to desertification the spread of desert like lands due to these human activities accelerating natural erosion of soil.

Which among the following is a soil pollutant?

  1. Organo-chlorines

  2. Mercury

  3. Lead

  4. Arsenic

Correct Option: A

Presence of unwanted contaminant in soil is called soil contamination. Non-biodegradable chemical pesticides are the largest source of soil pollutant.  organo-chlorides are group of insecticides based on chlorinated hydrocarbons (organochlorines).

Contamination of soil system by considerable quantities of chemicals and substance is known as

  1. Water pollution

  2. Soil Pollution

  3. Air pollution

  4. Noise Pollution

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is the common term used for unwanted particles in the soil?

  1. Antibiotics

  2. Eutrophication

  3. Xenobiotic

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Xenobiotics are the unwanted chemicals or particles of compounds which are found in the regions where generally they are not present. These are the foreign particles like the herbicides, pesticides, agrochemicals like fertilizers, etc. These are the chemicals which might interact with the bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil. This might affect the absorption of nutrients by the plants.

Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Acidification of soil means

  1. Increase in H$^+$ ions

  2. Increase in pH

  3. Decrease in pH

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: D

'Broadly utilitarian' argument for the conservation of biodiversity does not include

  1. Bioprospecting

  2. Pollination

  3. Aesthetic value

  4. Climatic regulation

Correct Option: A

Bioprospecting is the exploration of molecular, genetic and species level-diversity for gaining the products of economic importance. It comes under narrowly utilitarian category. 

Biodiversity loss occurs due to 
(i) habitat loss and fragmentation
(ii) co-extinction
(iii) over-exploitation
(iv) alien species invasion.

  1. (i) and (ii)

  2. (i), (ii) and (iii)

  3. (ii), (iii) and (iv)

  4. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Correct Option: D

The world is facing accelerated rates of species extinction, largely due to human interference. There are four major causes collectively called as the evil quarter.