Tag: control and coordination in living organisms

Questions Related to control and coordination in living organisms

Which one of the following is temporary endocrine gland?

  1. Pineal

  2. Pancreas

  3. Placenta

  4. Parathyroid

Correct Option: C

The placenta is an endocrine gland, that is only present during pregnancy. It produces hormones including human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, estrogen, and human placental lactogen (hPL).

In diabetes mellitus, what condition is not possible?

  1. Polyuria

  2. Loss of apetite

  3. Glycosuria

  4. Ketoacidosis

Correct Option: B

In diabetes mellitus, either body doesn't make enough insulin, or it can't use the insulin it does produce, or a combination of both. The cells need insulin to take in the glucose and use it for energy. Since, the cells can't take in the glucose, it builds up in blood. Common symptoms include the following: frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme hunger, sudden vision changes, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, feeling very tired much of the time, very dry skin, sores, that are slow to heal, more infections than usual.

Which of the following hormones is secreted by the kidney?

  1. Renin

  2. Renomedullary prostaglandin

  3. Erythropoietin

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The human kidney secretes many hormones: erythropoietin (EPO), calcitriol, vitamin $D _3$, as well as the enzyme renin. The kidneys also produce prostaglandins.

For good reflex actions we require intact _____________.

  1. Spinal cord

  2. Medulla oblongata

  3. Hypothalamus

  4. Cerebellum

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not a reflex action?

  1. Salivation

  2. Sweating

  3. Withdrawal of hand when pinched by needle

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

An automatic (involuntary) neuromuscular action excited by a defined stimulus is called reflex action. Sweating is not a reflex action. It is primarily a means of temperature regulation. But, Salivation and hand withdrawal because of the needle both are reflex actions.

Classify the following into reflex action and in voluntary actions of brain.

  1. Beating of heart

  2. Withdrawing your hand inmediately on touching a hot object

  3. Change in size of pupil in response to intensity of light

  4. Riding a bicycle

  5. Sneezing

  6. pulling up the leg immediately when foot falls on some sharp object.

Correct Option: A

The direction of against stimulus response is opposite in which of the following reflex action?

  1. Biceps tendon reflex

  2. Knee jerk reflex

  3. Triceps tendon reflex

  4. Withdrawal reflex

Correct Option: D

Option 'D' is correct

Withdrawal reflex is the reflex that involves the withdrawal is response to stimulus. It is also known as pair withdrawal reflex. When pair receptors are stimulated, reciprocal innervation stimulate the flexons to withdrawal and inhibit the extensors. 

Which one is not a reflex action?

  1. Closing the eye lids suddenly

  2. Release of saliva

  3. Obeying the order

  4. Pupillary constriction

Correct Option: A

Which one is correct about voluntary and involuntary movements?

  1. Voluntary movements- caused by skeletal muscle, Involuntary movements- caused by smooth muscle

  2. Voluntary movements- caused by smooth muscle, Involuntary movements- caused by skeletal muscle

  3. Voluntary movements- controlled by brain, Involuntary movements- controlled by organs

  4. Voluntary movements- controlled by organs, Involuntary movements- controlled by brain

Correct Option: A

Voluntary movements are movements that are in direct control of the will of a person. These are controlled by skeletal muscles. For example walking, talking, dancing, etc. Involuntary movements are movements that are not in control of a person. They are generated by smooth striated muscle. For example, heart pumping, digestion, etc.