Tag: biotechnology and genetic engineering

Questions Related to biotechnology and genetic engineering

A bacterial culture is treated with streptomycin and a cast is made. A few colonies are able to survive due to

  1. Selection

  2. Adaption

  3. Mutation

  4. Mimicry

Correct Option: B

Adaptation is the alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its environment. The bacteria got adapted towards the changes and hence survived.

So the correct option is 'Adaption'.

Most commonly used substrate for industrial production of beer is __________.

  1. Barley

  2. Wheat

  3. Corn

  4. Sugarcane molasses

Correct Option: A

Tissue culture medium is sterilised by

  1. Antifungal agents

  2. Keeping at -20$^o$C

  3. Autoclaving at 120$^o$C for 15 minutes

  4. Filtering through fine sieve

Correct Option: C

Tissue culture is the growth of cells or tissues separated from an organism. This is facilitated using a liquid, semi-solid medium which is sterilized so as to prevent the contamination by autoclaving them. It is a process whereby applying heat and pressure, microbes are killed in a container.

So, the correct answer is 'Autoclaving at 120-degree Celsius for 15 minutes'

Which of the following yeasts is used in the preparation of beer and wine?

  1. Saccharomyces ludwigii

  2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  3. Schizosaccharomyces

  4. Ashbya gossypii

Correct Option: B

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (common yeast) is a species of yeast. It is the most useful yeast, linked to wine making, baking and brewing. It is also called as baker's yeast or brewer's yeast.

In a microbiology laboratory, the technician uses heat to sterilise the nutrient solution that is used to grow 4. a fungus. When the heating system broke down, he sterilised the solution by passing It on a sterile environment) through a sterile filter with a pore size of 0.2 micrometers. When the fungus was grown on the filtered nutrient solution, it stopped growing and looked unhealthy within a few days. Which statements is the most likely explanation for the observed effects on the fungus ?

  1. The nutrient solution contained a virus

  2. Heating makes the glucose in the nutrient solution more digestible

  3. Filtering removed one of the larger nutrients

  4. The nutrient solution contained a bacterium that was pathogenic to the fungus.

Correct Option: A

A) Viruses inhibit the growth of other organisms by entering the host organism and using its genetic material and nutrition to reproduce. Hence, the fungus stops growing.

B) The fungus absorbs glucose. Heating glucose will destroy it and the fungus will not be able to digest it.
C)  Glucose is a micro-molecule which passes through the filter. The fungus mainly requires glucose to survive. Filtering did not affect the fungus.
D) Bacteria are too large to penetrate the filter and hence cannot affect the fungus.
So the correct answer is 'The nutrient solution contained a virus'.

Which of the following is correct about mushroom?

  1. Moss

  2. Fern

  3. Yeast

  4. Pine

  5. Seaweed

  6. Fungi

Correct Option: F

Fungi are a separate class of microorganisms that reproduce by spores and are thus different from plants that require photosynthesis to make food for themselves. Fungi consist of molds, yeast, mildew, and mushrooms. It can be unicellular or multicellular. So all mushrooms are fungi, though not all fungi are mushrooms as there are much more types of fungi than mushrooms. Mushroom is not yeast.

The new strain of bacteria produced by biotechnology in alcohol industry is.

  1. Escheriachia coil

  2. Sacharomyces cerevisiae

  3. Bacillus subtills

  4. Pseudomonas putida

Correct Option: D

Progenitors formed in bone marrow but differentiating elsewhere are

  1. Pre-NK cells

  2. Pre-erythroblasts

  3. Pre-T cells

  4. Myeloblasts

Correct Option: C

Pre T cells are progenitors of T- lymphocytes which are produced from the bone marrow. Pre- T cells undergo differentiation and maturation in the thymus to form matured T- cells. T-cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes by the presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface.  Hence, Progenitors formed in bone marrow but differentiating elsewhere are Pre-T cells.

So, the correct answer is 'Pre-T cells'.

Yeast is not an important source of

  1. vitamin C

  2. vitamin B

  3. vitamin A

  4. vitamin D

Correct Option: A,B,D

The centre of origin of wheat is

  1. Southeast Asia

  2. Southwest Asia

  3. Asia minor and Afganistan

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Wheat is grown on more land area worldwide than any other crop and is a close third to rice and corn in total world production. Wheat is well adapted to harsh environments and is mostly grown on wind swept areas that are too dry and too cold for the more tropically inclined rice and corn, which do best at intermediate temperature levels. 

Wheat is believed to have originated in southwestern Asia. Some of the earliest remains of the crop have been found in Syria, Jordan and Turkey. Primitive relatives of present day wheat have been discovered in some of the oldest excavations of the world in eastern Iraq, which date back 9,000 years. Thus, the correct answer is option B.