Tag: biotechnology and genetic engineering

Questions Related to biotechnology and genetic engineering

The prerequisites for biotechnological production of antibiotics is

  1. To search an antibiotic producing microorganism.

  2. To isolate the antibiotic gene.

  3. To join antibiotic gene with E. coli plasmid.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

Useful antibiotics are often discovered using a screening process. To conduct such a screen, isolates of many different microorganisms are cultered and then tested for production of products that inhibit the growth of test organisms.They are tested for their selective toxicities and therapeutic activities, and the best candidates are examined and modified. Once the process is complete, the antibiotic must be extracted and purified to a crystalline product. The copies of genes coding for enzymes involved in the antibiotic production can be inserted into a cell, via vectors such as plasmids.

Whose discovery in mid-1980 overturned the idea that only proteins could be biological catalysts? 

  1. Monoclonal antibodies

  2. DNA probes

  3. Ribozymes

  4. RFLP

Correct Option: C

Scientic theories about the origin-of-life theories have historically been characterized by the chicken-and-egg problem of which essential aspect of life was the rst to appear, replication or self-sustenance. RNA, the other nucleic acid, contained building blocks very similar to DNA, so biologists recognized early that RNA could store information in its linear sequences. With the discovery in the 1980s that RNA molecules were capable of biological catalysis, a function till now ascribed to proteins alone, RNA took on the role of the single entity that could act as both chicken and egg. Within a few years of the discovery of these catalytic RNAs (ribozymes) scientists had formulated an RNA hypothesis that posited an early phase in the evolution of life where all key functions were performed by RNA molecules. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Wine and beer are produced directly by fermentation. Brandy and whisky require both fermentation and distillation because

  1. Fermentation is inhibited at an alcohol level of 10-18%

  2. Distillation prolongs storage.

  3. Distillation improves quality.

  4. Distillation purifies the beverage.

Correct Option: A

Beverages of low alcoholic content (less than about 9% alcohol) are fermented from grains and are usually considered to be beers. Wines, on the other hand, are fermented to a higher percentage of alcohol (10 - 18% alcohol) and are usually fermented from fruit juice. Higher levels of alcohol kill or inhibit bacteria stopping spoilage as well as fermentation. Vodka, whiskey, and other alcoholic beverages with alcohol contents well above 20% are produced by distilling alcohol from a yeast-fermented beverage. Many liquors are produced by using distilled alcohol (as high as 95% alcohol) to extract various flavoring materials after which the resulting extract is diluted with water and often sugar to make a flavored alcoholic beverages. Unless the alcoholic content of the resulting beverage is well above 15%, the material will not be stable and may start to ferment or even decay in storage. Hence, most liquors are atleast 20% alcohol.

Bathe spruce and fir trees on mountains are more acidic than

  1. $SO _{2}$

  2. Lime juice

  3. Vinegar

  4. $NO _{2}$

Correct Option: C

The chief source of alcoholic beverages from cereals is

  1. Rice

  2. Maize

  3. Rye

  4. Barley

Correct Option: D

Barley contains the largest amount of enzymes necessary for converting starches to ferment sugars. Barley is commonly used in breads, soups, stews though it is primarily grown as animal fodder and as a source of malt for alcoholic beverages, especially beer.
Thus, the correct answer is option (D), 'Barley'.

Synthesis of antibiotics belongs to

  1. Biotechnology

  2. Microbiology

  3. Parasitology

  4. Sericulture.

Correct Option: A

Which vitamin is synthesised by the bacteria in human gut?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin C

  3. Vitamin D

  4. Vitamin K

Correct Option: D

Escherichia coli are Gram-negative, facultative aerobic bacteria. They are common inhabitant of human gut. These strains of E. coli are harmless. They form the part of the normal microbiota of the intestine. They live in symbiotic association. They benefit hosts by producing vitamin K$ _2$ and preventing colonization of the intestine with pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Vitamin K.'

Human proteins can be produced in milk or semen of farm animals

  1. True

  2. False, proteins cannot be produced in semen

  3. False, proteins cannot be produced in milk

  4. False, animals are not used for protein production

Correct Option: A
Milk proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids required by humans. Milk proteins are synthesized in the mammary gland, but 60% of the amino acids used to build the proteins are obtained from the cow's diet. So we can get protein from the cow's milk too.
So the correct option is 'true'.

Which one of the following combinations of microbes is responsible for the formation and flavour of Yoghurt?

  1. Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus thermopiles

  2. Rhizobium maillot and Azotobacter species

  3. Ebodoiquerillurs rub urn and Scincealla typhosa

  4. Bacillus substiles and Escherichia coli

Correct Option: A

Making of cheese from pasteurised milk is carried out by the enzyme

  1. Protease

  2. Pectinase

  3. Amylase

  4. Lipase

Correct Option: A