Tag: from tasting to digestion

Questions Related to from tasting to digestion

Amount of water present inside human body cells is about

  1. 15 litres

  2. 5 litres

  3. 25 litres

  4. 10 litres

Correct Option: C
  • About 60% of human body weight is due to water and is mainly present within the cells of the body.
  • Intracellular fluid (within the cell) constitutes about 2/3 of body water.
  • Eg- In a person weighing 72 kg, 40 litres of fluid is present in the body out of which about 25 litres of water is present in the intracellular region (within the cells).
  • So, the correct answer is '25 litres'.

A person is given a ............. when he has loose motion and vomiting.

  1. Salt solution

  2. Glucose solution

  3. ORS

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Vomiting and lose motion causes dehydration. Hence, the intake of fluids to maintain the electrolytes is balanced. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is a type of fluid replacement used to prevent and treat dehydration, especially due to diarrhoea. It involves drinking water with modest amounts of sugar and salts, specifically sodium and potassium.

So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.

In extremely serious situations, fluids should be given

  1. Orally

  2. Intradermally

  3. Intravenously

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Children and adults who are severely dehydrated should be treated by emergency personnel arriving in an ambulance or in a hospital emergency room, where they can receive salts and fluids through a vein (intravenously) rather than by mouth. Intravenous hydration provides the body with water and essential nutrients much more quickly than oral solutions, do something that's essential in life-threatening situations. 

Which of the following is true about digestion and absorption of food?

  1. Trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase are brush border enymes

  2. The chemical process of digestion is initiated in the oral cavity. A bout $60\%$ starch is hydrolysed here by salivary amylase to form maltose

  3. Rennin is proteolytic enzyme found in grastic juice of infants. Small amounts of lipases are also secreted by the gastric glands

  4. If breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories, the infants below the age of one year will suffer from kwashiorkar

Correct Option: C
Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme present in the gastric secretion of infants that allows digestion of milk products. Small amounts of Gastric Lipase is also secreted by the gastric glands.
So, the correct option is 'Rennin is proteolytic enzyme found in grastic juice of infants. Small amounts of lipases are also secreted by the gastric glands'.

What is the important role of water in the process of digestion :-

  1. Prevent dehydration

  2. Metabolic process

  3. $1st$ and $2nd $ both

  4. Provides energy

Correct Option: A

Which of the following helps in the digestion of food?

  1. Hormones

  2. Digestive juice

  3. Water

  4. Blood

Correct Option: B

  • The process of digestion begins from the mouth itself and gets completed in small intestine.
  • Stomach plays a key role in the digestion of food. It has gastric glands which secrete gastric juices needed to break down food to simple nutrients and thereby contributing to digestion.
  • There are different hormones in our body that has different functions. For example, there could be pH changes associated with different types of food. This pH change stimulates the secretion of a hormone called gastrin which induces the production of digestive juices. But it is not directly connected to the digestion process.
  • Water is present in cell, organs and tissues to help regulating temperature and maintaining body functions.
  • Absorbed food enters the blood stream and is taken to different parts of the body.
So, the correct option is B.

Who revealed secrets of digestion?

  1. Mendel

  2. Beaumont

  3. Newton

  4. S. Bose

Correct Option: B
  • William Beaumont revealed the functioning of human stomach in a living person. In 1833, He published his findings in the book, 'The Experiments and Observation of the Gastric juice and Physiology of Digestion'. After 10 years from there, he listed many conclusions about the chemical nature of digestion.
  • He primarily discovered that gastric juice is responsible for the breakdown of food into simple nutrients and he also described the movement of stomach during digestion. 
  • So, the correct option is B.

Digestion is completed in

  1. Duodenum

  2. Ileum

  3. Stomach

  4. Cloaca

Correct Option: B

Digestion is completed in the Ileum because it is the last part of small intestine where all the digestive secretions end. From the large intestine, the process of absorption occurs predominantly.

So, the correct option is B.

Enterokinase / enteropeptidase takes part in conversion of

  1. Pepsinogen to pepsin

  2. Trypsinogen to trypsin

  3. Protein into polypeptides

  4. Caseinogen into casein

Correct Option: B