Tag: natural regions of the world

Questions Related to natural regions of the world

The agricultural practices prevalent in the Sahara desert is ___________.

  1. Nomadic hearding

  2. Plantation agriculture

  3. Mixed farming

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The activity which is mainly carried on to produce food for the family and to fulfill the needs of clothing, shelter, and recreation is known as nomadic herding. It is an ecological system of agriculture. The nomadic herders are dependent on sheep, cattle, goats, camels, horses, and reindeers for their livelihood. Nomadic herding is mostly practiced in less arable land. It is mostly practiced in central Asia and the Sahel region of West Africa. It is most prevalent in the Sahara desert.

Cactus is a plant usually found in _____________.

  1. Flood plains

  2. Semiarid regions

  3. Deltaic regions

  4. Fresh water lakes

Correct Option: B

Cactus is a plant usually found in Semiarid region.

A semi-arid climate or steppe climate is the climate of a region that receives precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not as low as a desert climate. There are different kinds of semi-arid climates, depending on variables such as temperature, and they give rise to different biomes.

Cactus is a plant usually found in__________.

  1. Flood plains

  2. Arid regions

  3. Deltaic regions

  4. Fresh water lakes

Correct Option: B

Thorny bushes are found in _________.

  1. Semi-arid areas

  2. Moderate climate areas

  3. Cold polar climate areas

  4. All the places

Correct Option: A

The vegetation in these forests are thorny trees and bushes. The Thorn Forests are found in the semi-arid areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Acacias, palms, euphorbias and cacti are the main plants found in these forests.

Which of the following countries fall in all the three regions: hot desert, Mediterranean and cool temperate?

  1. Egypt

  2. Spain

  3. U.K.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

'High temperature, high rainfall, a perpetual summer without any change of season' is the characteristic of_________________.

  1. Monsoon region

  2. Steppe or prairie region

  3. Equatorial region

  4. Polar region

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not true of the Monsoon Region?

  1. They experience high rainfall in summer and negligible rainfall in winter

  2. They experience four seasons in a year

  3. They fall between $33^{\circ}$ North and $30^{\circ}$ South parallels

  4. Crops grown in tropical monsoonal regions required a large supply of water

Correct Option: C

The land and sea breeze blow in a gigantic scale in the ____________.

  1. Equatorial Region

  2. Polar Region

  3. Monsoon Region

  4. Sahara Region

Correct Option: C

The Eskimos groups believe in a supernatural power called _____ and _____.

  1. Gila and spirits

  2. Bula and spirits

  3. Sila and spirits

  4. Luna and spirits

Correct Option: C

Eskimos lives in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. They follow the Inuit religion. They believe in supernatural power called sila and spirits.

The hooded jacket worn by Eskimos is called _____.

  1. Mukluks

  2. Parkas

  3. Igloo

  4. Caribou

Correct Option: B

Parka is a type of heavy hooded jacket that is often lined with fur for protecting the face from freezing temperatures and wind. This hooded jacket was worn by Eskimos. They are made from caribou or seal. It is worn by the people to protect them from wind chill and wet while hunting and kayaking. Some Parkas have to be regularly coated with fish oil to keep their water resistance. Parka is also known as Anorak.