Tag: natural regions of the world

Questions Related to natural regions of the world

Eskimos are the people living in the ____________.

  1. torrid zone

  2. tropical zone

  3. temperate zone

  4. frigid zone

Correct Option: D

Eskimos are the people living in the frigid zone. It comprising of Alaska, Canada and Greenland. They generally made their small hut like house by snow, known as igloo. Hunting of marine animals and fishes are their main occupation . They use dog sledge for transportation. Dog is the only domesticate animal of Eskimos.

The Aurora Australis is the naturally occurring lights of ________.

  1. Torrid zone

  2. Temperate zone

  3. Northern Hemisphere

  4. Southern Hemisphere

Correct Option: D

Aurora australis is the southern hemisphere counterpart to the aurora borealis. In the sky, an aurora australis takes the shape of a curtain of light that is most often green, sometimes red, and occasionally other colors too.

When the ______ frigid zone receives continuous light, the _____ frigid zone has continuous darkness.

  1. northern, southern 

  2. southern , northern

  3. central, weastern

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

When the northern frigid zone receives continuous light, the southern frigid zone has continuous darkness.

Eskimos live in houses called ________________.

  1. tree house

  2. tent

  3. cave

  4. igloo

Correct Option: D

The arctic tern and the snowy owl are the birds found in ___________.

  1. equatorial forest

  2. tropical areas

  3. temperate areas

  4. frigid zone

Correct Option: D
  1. Arctic tern: it has a circumpolar breeding distribution covering the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. The species is strongly migratory, seeing two summers each year as it migrates along a convoluted route from its northern breeding grounds to the Antarctic coast for the southern summer and back again about six months later.
  2. Snowy owls are native to Arctic regions in North America and Eurasia.

In the frigid zone annual rainfall varies from ________.

  1. 5-10 cm

  2. 10-15 cm

  3. 15-30 cm

  4. 20-80 cm

Correct Option: C

Rainfall may range from 15 to 30 cm in a year. Only during the short summer season, some very lowly plants may grow only in the areas away from the polar ice caps. These regions are known for blizzards and occupy areas of the Arctic margins of North America and Eurasia and the Antarctic continent.

The correct definition of the 'biome' is areas having _______.

  1. Large forest cover

  2. Large ecosystem on land with distinct vegetation and animal life.

  3. Enough water on land.

  4. Only animal population

Correct Option: B

A biome is a community of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in. They can be found over a range of continents. Biomes are distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate.

The equatorial region is confined to ________.

  1. Amazon Basin

  2. Congo Basin

  3. Some parts of Asia

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Equatorial type of climate, also known as tropi­cal rainforest wet climate , is located up to 5° to 10° latitudes on either side of the equator but at some places it extends up to 15°-25° latitudes mainly along the eastern margins of the continents.

The equatorial climate is found in the following localities:

(i) The Amazon Basin in South America,

(ii) The Congo Basin in Africa,

(iii) Guinea coast in Africa,

(iv) Much of the Indo-Malaysian Region mainly in Java, Sumatra, Bor­neo, Malaysia, Singapore and New Guinea,

(v) Philip­pine Islands,

(vi) Eastern central America (parts of Panama, Costarica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala etc.), some islands in the Caribbean Sea, western Columbia and eastern Madagascar.


Which ocean has the world's largest number of active volcanoes & so is called 'Ring of Fire'?

  1. Indian Ocean

  2. Atlantic Ocean

  3. Pacific Ocean

  4. Antarctic Ocean

Correct Option: C

The biomes are identified on the basis of ______.

  1. Cities

  2. Plants

  3. States

  4. Rocks

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

Biomes are largely based on the geography and climate of a region. Therefore, a biome is a Geoclimatic zone that is identifiable on a global scale and includes things such as plants and animals.