Tag: vedic methods of multiplication

Questions Related to vedic methods of multiplication

A jar can hold $4250\,ml$ honey. How much $litre$ honey will be needed to fill $4$ jars?

  1. $16$

  2. $15$

  3. $17$

  4. $17000$

Correct Option: C
A jar can hold$=4000+250$
$=4250㎖$ honey
Total honey needed to fill
$4$ jars$=4250\times 4$
$=17ℓ$ is the correct answer.

Monika takes $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{6}}$ hour to walk to the playground and $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{3}}$ hour to walk from the playground to school. How much time does it take her to walk to the playground and then to school ? 

  1. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{2}{9}}$ hour

  2. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{3}}$ hour

  3. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{2}}$ hour

  4. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{2}{3}}$ hour

Correct Option: C

Monika takes $\dfrac{1}{6}$ hour to walk to the playground.

And $\dfrac{1}{3}$ hour to walk from the playground to school.

She will take time to walk to the playground and then to school
$=\dfrac{1}{2}$ hour

Hence, this is the answer.

In Vedic period, squares and circular shaped altars were used for household rituals, while altars whose shapes were combination of rectangles, triangles and trapeziums were used for public worship.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Ambiguous

  4. Data Insufficient

Correct Option: A

In ancient India, squares and circular altars were used for household rituals.

The geometry of the Vedic period originated with the construction of altars (or vedis) and fireplaces for performing Vedic rites. Square and circular altars were used for household rituals, while altars, whose shapes were combinations of rectangles, triangles and trapeziums, were required for public worship.

Half of a number is 12. What is $\dfrac{3}{4}$ of the same number ?

  1. 24

  2. 36

  3. 9

  4. 18

Correct Option: D

Let the number be $x$.



$ \dfrac{x}{2}=12 $

$ x=24 $



$ \Rightarrow \dfrac{3}{4}\times 24 $

$ \Rightarrow 18 $


Hence, this is the answer.

Sonia talked on the telephone to two friends. She talked to Shivani for $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{4}}$ hour to Geetika for $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{3}}$ How much time did Sonia spend on the telephone ?

  1. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{6}}$

  2. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{2}{7}}$

  3. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{5}{12}}$

  4. $\displaystyle{\dfrac{7}{12}}$

Correct Option: D

Sonia talked to Shivani for $=\dfrac{1}{4}$ hour

Sonia talked to Geetika for $=\dfrac{1}{3}$ hour

She spend time on the telephone will be
$=\dfrac{7}{12}$ hour

Hence, this is the answer.

Victor can throw a ball 50$\displaystyle{\dfrac{3}{5}}$ feet. Parth can throw the same ball 48$\displaystyle{\dfrac{1}{3}}$ feet. How much farther can Victor throw the ball than Parth ? 

  1. 2$\displaystyle{\dfrac{2}{15}}$ feet

  2. 2$\displaystyle{\dfrac{4}{15}}$ feet

  3. 2$\displaystyle{\dfrac{3}{5}}$ feet

  4. 2$\displaystyle{\dfrac{4}{5}}$ feet

Correct Option: B

Victor can throw a ball $=50\dfrac{3}{5}$ feet

Parth can throw the same ball $=48\dfrac{1}{5}$ feet

$=2\dfrac{4}{15}$ feet

Hence, this is the answer.

Using vedic mathematics term "Ekadhik", find the value of $135^2$.

  1. $18625$

  2. $18325$

  3. $19425$

  4. $18225$

Correct Option: D

Using vedic mathematics term "Ekadhik", find the value of $35^2$.

  1. $11025$

  2. $1325$

  3. $1225$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Using vedic mathematics term "Ekadhik", find the value of $65^2$.

  1. $4225$

  2. $5325$

  3. $4325$

  4. $4645$

Correct Option: A

If $60$% of $\cfrac{3}{5}$ of a number is $36$, then the number is:

  1. $80$

  2. $100$

  3. $75$

  4. $90$

Correct Option: B

Let the number be $x$. Then
$60$% of $\cfrac{3}{5}$ of $x=36$
$\Rightarrow$ $\cfrac{60}{100}\times \cfrac{3}{5}\times x=36$
$\Rightarrow$ $x=(36\times \cfrac{25}{9})=100$
$\therefore$ Required number $=100$