Tag: plant kingdom

Questions Related to plant kingdom

The stem and leaves of Funaria are

  1. Analogous to those of angiosperms

  2. Homologous to those of angiosperms

  3. Not comparable to those of angiosperms in any way

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Sporogonium of Funaria is dependent on gametophyte

  1. Fully

  2. For food only

  3. Partially for water and minerals

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Protonema occurs in the life cycle of

  1. Riccia

  2. Funaria/Moss

  3. Dryopteris

  4. Spirogyra

Correct Option: B

The sporophyte of Funaria is termed

  1. Sporangium

  2. Sporogonium

  3. Sporozoite

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Knobbed paraphyses are found with

  1. Archegonia of Funaria

  2. Antheridia of Funaria

  3. Antheridia as well as archegonia

  4. Neither of them

Correct Option: B

The 'stem' and 'leaves' in Funaria are not real because

  1. They are a part of gametophytic generation

  2. They lack xylem and phloem

  3. Both A and B

  4. Neither of the two

Correct Option: C

The juvenile stage of the gametophyte of moss is

  1. Green, filamentous and branched structure called protonema

  2. A tetra flagellate body

  3. Dorsoventrally flattened plate like body

  4. A colourless mass of tubular structures

Correct Option: A

Archegonium of Funaria has ______ number of neck canal cells

  1. $4$

  2. $6 - 10$

  3. $2$

  4. One binucleate

Correct Option: B

The product of fertilization in Funaria/ Selaginella/ fern is called

  1. Zygote

  2. Zygospore

  3. Oospore

  4. Oosphere

Correct Option: A

In bryophytes/Funaria the sperms are

  1. Quadriflagellate

  2. Biflagellate and bent

  3. Biflagellate and spirally coiled

  4. Non-flagellate

Correct Option: B