Tag: plant kingdom

Questions Related to plant kingdom

Which one of the following structures not foundĀ in any class of algae?

  1. Rhizoid and apical cell

  2. Apical cell

  3. Embryo

  4. Thalloid plant body

Correct Option: A

Choose the correct statement.

  1. Haploid contained of human DNA is4.6$\times{10}^6$bp

  2. A nitrogenous base is linked to pentose sugar through phosphodiester linkage

  3. X-ray diffraction data of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin was the basis of Watson and Crick's DNA model

  4. DNA is an acidic substance was first identified by Watson and Crick

Correct Option: A

Smallest unit in the plant cell wall is

  1. Micelle

  2. Microfibril

  3. Fibril

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: A

Laminarin and mannitol, the reserve food of brown algae, are

  1. lipids

  2. complex carbohydrates

  3. proteins

  4. lipoproteins

Correct Option: B

The food in the members of Phaeophyceae is stored as complex carbohydrates in the form of laminarin or mannitol.

Consider the following statements.
a. Ectocaipus has an alternation of isomorphic generations
b. Fucus has no free living haploid generation
c. All red algae are multicellular organisms
d. Brown algae have a few unicellular species
Which of these statements are correct?

  1. $1, 2, 3$ and $4$

  2. $2, 3$ and $4$

  3. $1, 3$ and $4$

  4. $1$ and $2$

Correct Option: A

Development of sporophyte/embryo from gametophytic tissue without fusion of gametes is?

  1. Apospory

  2. Apogamy

  3. Apomixis

  4. Parthenogenesis

Correct Option: B
A translator consists of.
  1. A pollinium, a caudicle and a corpusculum

  2. Two pollinia, two caudicles and two corpuscula

  3. Two pollinia, two caudicles and one corpusculum

  4. Two pollinia and one corpusculum

Correct Option: C

The translator is the special structure to aid the unique type of pollination mechanism of Asclepiads. It is present both in the Periplocoideae and in the Cynanchoideae. In these sub-families, it consists of the three parts which are corpuscular, pollinia or pollen and two caudicles. These are the structures of the attachment to stigma. Pollen carrier encloses the pollen grains. Caudicles are connective to attach the pollen mass with corpuscular.

Therefore option C is most suitable.

Option C is correct.

Karyogamy is?

  1. Fusion of two germ cells

  2. Fusion of two gametic nuclei

  3. Fusion of a somatic cell and a reproductive cell

  4. Fusion of two somatic cells

Correct Option: B

Karyogamy is the final step that is conducting the process of fusing two haploid eukaryotic cells together. It then refers specifically to the fusion of the two nuclei. For its occurrence, the cell membrane and cytoplasm of each cell must fuse by the process termed as plasmogamy. It is a common feature of all diploid organisms undergoing sexual reproduction.

Therefore the correct answer is option B.

Number of prothallial cells present in the male gametophyte of angiosperms is?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Many

  4. Zero

Correct Option: D

A primitive massive nucellus occurs in some ovules. The condition is called.

  1. Crassinucellate

  2. Tenuinucellate

  3. Resupinate ovule

  4. Protonucellate

Correct Option: A