Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

The sum of all two digit numbers divisible by $5$ is:

  1. $1035$

  2. $1245$

  3. $1230$

  4. $945$

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Required numbers are $10,15,20,25,......96$
This is an A.P. in which $a=10,d=5$ and $l=95$
${t} _{n}=95$ $\Rightarrow$ $a+(n-1)d=95$
$\Rightarrow$ $10+(n-1)\times 5=95$
$\Rightarrow$ $(n-1)\times 5=85$
$\Rightarrow$ $(n-1)=17$
$\Rightarrow$ $n=18$
$\therefore$ Required Sum $=\cfrac { n }{ 2 } (a+l)=\cfrac { 18 }{ 2 } \times (10+95)=(95\times 105)=945$

$5358\times 51=$?

  1. $273258$

  2. $273268$

  3. $273348$

  4. $273358$

Correct Option: A

$5358\times 51=5358\times (50+1)$
$=5358\times 50+5358\times 1$

$1397\times 1397=$?

  1. $1951609$

  2. $1981709$

  3. $18362619$

  4. $2031719$

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Multiply $78, 76$ using NIkhilam formula (sub-base) of vedic mathematics.

  1. $5248$

  2. $5758$

  3. $59756$

  4. $5928$

Correct Option: D

Multiply $132, 124$ by Urdhwtirgbhyaam method of vedic mathematics.

  1. $15348$

  2. $17548$

  3. $16368$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Multiply $57, 68$ by Urdhwtirgbhyaam method of vedic mathematics.

  1. $3846$

  2. $3676$

  3. $3876$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Multiply $349, 986$ by Urdhwtirgbhyaam method of vedic mathematics.

  1. $355114$

  2. $353514$

  3. $344114$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Multiply $41, 41$ by Urdhwtirgbhyaam method of vedic mathematics.

  1. $1681$

  2. $1461$

  3. $1535$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Multiply $12, 14$ by Urdhwtirgbhyaam method of vedic mathematics.

  1. $156$

  2. $148$

  3. $188$

  4. $168$

Correct Option: D

Multiply $19, 17$ using NIkhilam formula (sub-base) of vedic mathematics.

  1. $303$

  2. $343$

  3. $373$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D